The Plot: A Nightmare on Elm Street is a 1984 film written and directed by horror master: Wes Craven. The original movie stars: Heather Langenkamp (One of my favourite actresses) as Nancy. Amanda Wyss as Tina. Jsu Garcia as Rod. John Saxon as Donald. Ronee Blakely as Marge. Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger. And a very young Johnny Depp as Glen. The sequels came along starring 3 of the original stars (Heather Langenkamp '1,3,7', John Saxon '1,3', Robert Englund '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', Jsu Garcia '1,7'.) The sequels starred: Mark Patton as Jesse. Kim Myers as Lisa. Patricia Arquette (One of my favourite actresses) as Kristin. Ken Sagoes as Kencaid. Rodney Eastman as Joey. Craig Wasson as Neil. Lisa Wilcox as Alice. Andras Jones as Rick. Danny Hassel as Dan. Kelly Jo Minter as Yvonne. Lisa Zane as Maggie. Lezlie Deane as Tracy. Tracy Middendorf (One of my favourite actresses). And now my ALL TIME Favourite actor, who also stars as a little boy in Pet Semetary, Kindergarten Cop, Full House, Mercury Rising and more recent ones such as Remains. It's MIKO HUGHES as Dylan :-D. Monica Keena as Lori. Jason Ritter as Will. Kelly Rowland as Kia. Katharina Isabelle (One of my favourite actresses) as Gibb. The Remake stars: Kyle Gallner (One of my favourite actors) as Quentin. Rooney Mara as Nancy. Thomas Dekker as Jesse. Kellen Lutz as Dean. Katie Cassidy (Top 3 favourite actresses) as Kris. But now onto the main plot. The original was a movie directed and written by Wes Craven. It took alot of begging, but finally New Line Cinema accepted his offer. And went along and made the film with a low budget, not expecting much. But little did they know. It was the beginning of one of the greatest successes in Hollywood history. It's about a group of teenagers who are having nightmares all about the same man. And they find out if you die in your dreams, then you die in real life. So Freddy Krueger a Child Killer (Remake = Child Molester) Wants revenge on the people who burned him alive. He takes his rage out in their kids' dreams. Nancy figures out how to kill him. And it works... for then. The sequel came along 1 year later. Taking a complete different direction, by having a possesion plot instead of a slasher plot. Many didn't really like it! A third movie came, which what many say is the best in the series. It didn't do to great in the box office as the original sequel wasn't liked people didn't take the energy to look at the third one, even though Wes Craven returned to direct it. The Fourth one was a little back and fourth some liked it, some hated it. It's just what you're type of horror is. The fifth one came along with a pretty interesting concept. Freddy stalking Alice by using Alice's unborn child (So in the stomach) for the dummies out there that didn't get it. The Sixth one came along, and turned the franchise into a complete mess. By using a complete comedic touch to it. Many people gave up after this movie as it wasn't liked at all. So 3 years later. Wes Craven came back to write and direct one last movie. Wes Craven's New Nightmare. It was a masterpiece. Many people loved it. It brought Freddy back to it's dark roots. It gave it a movie within a movie feel. Heather Langenkamp also returned which many people loved! And ofcourse her cute little son Dylan (Miko Hughes. My favourite Actor ever) This movie is hard to explain as you actually have to see it to get it! But Freddy tries to come into the real world. And he uses Heather's son as a gateway to the real world. It's an interesting concept, and it really worked, as it is for many people their favourite of the series. 2003 came along and Freddy vs Jason was released. It was really liked by alot. As they were excited that 2 of the biggest horror icons were finally batteling it out. The Box Office for this movie was crazy. And the amount of money Robert Englund got with this movie was as much as the whole entire budget was in the first film. 7 years later a remake was made, It was also not very liked by many people. Infact many people hated it! Mainly because of the 2 dimensional carachters. And that they switched Freddy into a Child Molester instead of a Child Killer. The Special Effects and the quality were better then any othe rin the series. But that was mainly cause of the time period it was made. But storywise it's pretty much a mess compared to the original. It gives a bit more backstory on Freddy then the original did. But because they switched FReddy into a whole different person in this movie. people were automaticially not very interested.
Personal Review: I love all of the movies besides the 6th one. The Original is a really good movie, just a masterpiece, nothing else needs to be said. It's fantastic! The sequel on the otherhand wasn't liked. It was a different approach which I could respect that they wanted to try something new. As a kid I always skipped it, pretty much tried to ignore it, act like it didn't exsist. But now that I am older. I get the story more, and see it as it is. So I like it better now, and I do include it with my Nightmare on Elm Street marathons, which I used to not do. The Third one, was as a child my all time favourite movie. I just loved it! I remember always renting that particular one at the video store. I watched it so much times! For some reason i always had butterfly in my stomach when I was a kid seeing this movie, haha kind of weird. But I just really loved it! And it also brought Heather Langenkamp and John Saxon back! :-D And the fourth one, I also respect, it's not as good. But it's okay. I like that it featured the survivors of the third movie. And I like that the fifth one featured the survivors of the fourth movie. I always though the fifth one was kind of weird, as a kid, and still to this day. I like it. But it's different, maybe with that whole concept of Freddy using the babies dreams to get to Alice... I don't know, all I know is that I like it, and always will. Even though the comic book scene was stupid!! And I am going to skip the sixth one, as I dont have enough time to rant about it, just read my persoal review by the Messengers 2: Scarecrow, there you can see how I felt about this movie! It didnt have much cliché's, and people did die! Whcih was good. But it was the whole story. Like freaking pulling someone into a cheerful colorful video game.... like seriously?? Johnny Depp made an appearance in this movie which was cool. But for the rest it sucked, ever little bit of it sucked. And from now on, I just skip this freaking movie as I just don't like it. Wes Craven's New Nightmare is my all time favourite movie, i have watched it more than 30 times since I was little to now. Like every month I atleast watch it once. Mainly cause of Miko Hughes!! And I also like Nancy and Julie. The movie overall is just a masterpiece, they really made a HUGE comback from the pit it was driven in after the sixth movie. So I was just extremely happy that this revived the series and gave it the end it deserved. Thank god for Wes Craven! Freddy vs Jason... it's a decnt movie. not really my favourite, but it's okay. The remake, even though it has all the hate towards it, I personally kind of like it. i don't like what they did to Freddy, changing him into a Molester instead of a Killer. That just ruins the creepiness and just increases the awkwardness! The actors were not at their best. I really liked Kyle Gallner and Katie Cassidy, as I always like their work. But if it wasnt for them, i would have liked this movie that much. And that scene with Dean in the café was pretty badass! I love that scene! And with Kris being smashed through the room is also badass.
Soon I will make a longer review with more details to explain the movies and more what I thought of the movie separately instead of all together. With my Personal Rating. In a few hours I will have Day 17 up. Sorry for the delay :-D Thanks for visiting my page. :-D
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