A Classic, probably one of the best movies ever made. Starring big actors: Jamie Lee Curtis (Laurie Strode) and Donald Pleasence (Dr. Loomis).
The Plot:
It pretty much starts off with a POV (Point of View) perception of Michael Myers when he was 6 Years old, on a Halloween night, parents are gone. And after the boyfriend leaves, he is all alone in the house with his sister, who is upstairs. They show Michael still in the POV preception walking up the stairs. And entering his sister's room. Michael kills her, and walks outside. His parents take the mask off, and it is then that the audeince realize that it was a little kid who killed Judith.
20 years later: Michael escapes from the Psychiatric Hospital. And returns to Haddonfield where he used to live. While there, he stalks Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) who is a babysitter. well Laurie's friends get killed (Annie and Lindsey) + the boyfriends of her friends. Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasence) the Psychologist of Michael Myers, goes back to Haddonfield to stop Michael. He helps Laurie escape from Michael. And the movie ends with the 'all to' popular cliff hanger, that made the audience want more. The famous shooting where Dr. Loomis shoots Michael 6 times off a balcony. And as Dr. Loomis looks over the edge he looks down and see's that Michael isn't lying dead, but gone.
Personal Review:
There is nothing bad about this movie! Like who can't love a movie like this, a perfect build up, good story, good acting. Just perfection! Jamie Lee Curtis' acting was very good. For the time this was brilliant, not many movies before that have done something like this besides Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Last House on the Left. Can't really add much more, it's a classic loved by many! John Carpenter did a very good job. And I will continue loving this movie!
Personal Rating:
10 out of 10 Stars!
Halloween 2:
A Classic! Even though it was a continuation to a Classic, this movie is still loved by many! and yet again it starred Jammie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode. And it also starred yet again Donald Pleasence as Dr. Loomis.
The Plot:
It starts off with where the first one left off. Laurie is being brought to the hospital, from what happened to her in the original. Ofcourse while she is being brought to the hospital, the police is all over the place, and ofcourse wherever the police is, reporters are too. Michael is still on the loose, and kills a couple people. With one jump scare kill when he killed Alice at the very beginning, I personally remember the first time I watched it when I was 5, I did not want her to die cause I thought she looked cute! But Michael makes his way to the hospital where Laurie is in. While there he kills a bunch of doctor's and nurses, which is the first movie that Michael's body count is big. The ending was great, it could have been a perfect ending for the series! But no, it was long from it...
Personal Review:
I personally loved this movie, as a little kid and still to this day. The suspense is great, the killings are awesome the scenery is perfect, just everything about this movie is awesome. Ofcourse it can't compare to the original, but it's a very neat continuation of the original and I would recommend it for anyone. And ofcourse Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee Curtis' acting was very good again. So all in all, it's a great great movie, that will keep you on the edge of your seat, even if you watched it multiple times!
Personal Rating:
10 out of 10 Stars!
Halloween 3: Season of the Witch.

After the Original and Sequel being such a huge success, this movie didn't do so well. It mainly had to do with that there was no Michael Myers in it. People didnt like that. There was still the the little percent of people that did like it, because they liked the idea of having a more Halloween type series with every year a different subject. This movie starred Tom Atkins as Daniel.
Well, I usually skip this installment while having a Halloween marathon, not so much when I was a kid, but now I find this movie more silly than scary. So I will give a little plot summary. This movie is about a company that makes Halloween masks, they're plan is to kill all the kids in America, by putting a curse in the mask, the mask then kills anyone who puts the mask on. Daniel tries to figure out the mystery of the company, and finds out something he never expected.
Personal Review:
This movie was hated by many, not cause how the movie actually was, but because they wanted Michael, not a general Halloween Movie. I personally do not like this movie. Not cause of that lame ''There is no Michael'' reason, but because I just don't like this type of Horror/Sci-Fi. Whenever I do watch this, I try and think of it as an alone standing movie, and in a way it makes it a bit better, but I don't think I will ever like this movie, and no it's not cause there isn't any Michael Myers.
Personal Rating:
4 out of 10 Stars
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

Now back on track. Many people liked this Installment to the series. It forgets Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, and takes place 10 years after Halloween 2. Starring (One of my favourite actresses.) Danielle Harris as Jamie <3. Ellie Cornell as Rachel. And ofcourse Donald Pleasance returns as the loved Dr. Loomis.
The Plot:
It takes place 10 years after Halloween 2, Michael has been in a coma all that time. While he is being transported to another hospital, he wakes up and kills the doctors. He escapes and makes his way back to Haddonfield. Where he tries to kill Jamie Lloyd (Danielle Harris) and kills anyone who tries to stop him. And there is ofcourse Dr. Loomis, who again tries to stop Michael.
Personal Review:
I like this movie. Ofcourse not as good as the first 2, but still good. When I was a kid, I never really liked this one, I usually watched this to build up the excitment for the Fifth Halloween, which was when I was 6 my favorite Horror Movie. But I look at it differently now, when I was a kid I just wanted suspensful chasings, which Halloween 2 and Halloween 5 had, that's why I loved them so much. But now that I am older, I look at the story more now. Michael looked really bad this movie (Shoulder Pads, Cheap Mask) Just wasn't so happy about his mask. And the killings, weren't all the well either. It has a huge cliffhanger, that didn't get continued, was pretty much forgotten. Which was a bummer, as it would have been very interesting to see how it would have worked out.
Personal Rating:
7 out of 10 Stars
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers.

This movie wasn't liked by many fans, mainly cause it completely ignored the cliffhanger of the fourth movie. This movie takes place 1 Year after the fourth one, and conitnues with the carachters Danielle Harris as Jamie. Ellie Cornell as Rachel. And ofcourse our beloved Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis.
The Plot:
It takes place 1 year after the fourth movie. Jamie is now in a children's hospital and is still traumatized by what happened in the fourth movie. For some reason she is a Mute. They never really go into deatails, but back to the story. It's Halloween and ofcourse Michael Myers returns once again to try and kill his last bloodline. Rachel, the carachter the fans grew to love in the fourth movie, unfortunatly got killed off early in this installment. The rest of the movie takes place by a Halloween Party. More dumb teenagers get killed, and it ends with a final chase scene between Michael and Jamie through Michael Myers' house. And this is also the movie with the famous laundry chute scene. Dr. Loomis ofcourse tries to stop Michael once again. And it almost works, as Michael is arrested, you see him in his jail cell, and then suddenly the guy dressed in black, who has appeared many times in the film. Shoots every officer and kidnaps Michael. Leaving another cliffhanger.
Personal Review:
As a kid, I loved this movie, I watched it many many times. I just loved that whole chase scene with Michael and Jamie. But now that I am older and wiser, this movie didn't really bring much to the series, the carachters were 1 Dimensional besides Jamie, Rachel and Dr. Loomis, but the rest of the cast, are kindda nerve wracking because of their dumbness. But whatever, it's a good movie with great suspense scene, and it has Danielle Harris :-D. As a kid it was my favourite out of them all, now, I still like it but I actually see it on what it is now.
Personal Rating:
8 out of 10 Stars.
Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers.

This movie was not liked bay man fans either, as this was the movie where everything didn't make sense anymore. It takes place 6 years after the fifth movie. It features J.C. Brandy as Jamie ''No Danielle Harris :('' Paul Rudd as Tommy. Marianne Hagan as Kara. And ofcourse our beloved Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis.
The Plot: Well there is a Theatrical Cut and a Producers Cut. I don't even want to get into the Producers cut... it was horrible!! So let's just go with the Theatrical Version. It takes place 6 years after the fifth movie. It starts off with Jamie in a (cult) hospital (kind of a weird hospital) giving birth to her baby. After the birth she escapes with her baby. Michael chases her, all the way to the station. Where she hides her baby in the restroom. And then goes back into her car and drives to the barn. Where Michael chases her and kills her. The Rest of the movie is more focused on giving us more backstory of Michael. Michael is a part of a Cult. Where he needs to kill his entire bloodline. The Baby from Jamie is the last Bloodline and must be killed in Michael's head. So Tommy tries to rescue the baby. And the cult tries to get a hold of Danny (The Son of Kara) to make him into the 'new' Michael. But it doesn't work. The end has a final battle between Tommy and Michael. Where it seems like Tommy wins. Well ofcourse Michael never dies. And the movie ends with the last scream of Dr. Loomis meaning his end to the series. As he died right after filming :( R.I.P Donald Pleasance!
Personal Review:
Again a movie I loved as a kid, espicially cause of the cool Halloween Theme Remix and the Strobe Effect scene in the hospital as Michael was slaughtering the doctor's and nurses, I always loved that scene. The kill scenes are awesome in this movie, quality perfect! Special Effects are better then ever! But it was the story that ruined the movie for many people, I have to admit, it didn't make much sense. But I would have loved it if they would have done something shocking to the little boy (Danny) cause they lead us to believe that he becomes the new Micahel, as he hears voices in his head, and see's the man in black, just like Michael. And what would have made this movie perfect for me, is that they had a scene like Jamie at the end of Halloween 4, but actually did something with it. I would have loved that! But too bad! Overall I like the movie, but the story isn't all to well.
Personal Rating:
7 out of 10 Stars.
Halloween 7: H20
This movie was loved by many! It had that classic Halloween feel to it. The story grabbed your attention right away. The box office for this movie was very successful! One of the reasons it was so succesful was because Jamie Lee Curtis came back to play her beloved role as Laurie Strode. Jamie's acting was amazing. It also features Michelle Willaims as Molly. Josh Hartnett as John. LL Cool J as Ronny. And believe it or not ''Psycho'' classic Janet Leigh, who is the screem queen of the 60's and is the mother of Jamie Lee Curtis in real life.
The Plot: This movie takes place 20 years after Halloween 2. They forget about Halloween 3-4-5-6. Many fans were confused as it didn't explain it much. So it took them awhile to get it. But as soon as you do, the movie takes you full force and leads up to the final epic battle between Michael and Laurie. Which leads to a touching end scene. With a badass decapatation of Michael.... Which the eigth film ruined. But that I will get to next time.
Personal Review: This movie was great. It went full force at the total beginning with that classic flashback scene with Jamie hiding in the closet from Michael in the original. Just that Jamie Lee Curtis returned to play as Laurie again was such a treat. You just knew it was going to be great. I love this movie, and always will. Mainly caus eof Jamie Lee Curtis, if it wasn't for her. This movie would have been crap. Imagine that fight scene between Laurie and Michael with a newbie instead of Laurie.... just not fitting. But I bet the script would have been different if there was no Laurie. But still, without her it would have sucked no doubt.
Personal Rating: 9 out of 10 Stars
After the Original and Sequel being such a huge success, this movie didn't do so well. It mainly had to do with that there was no Michael Myers in it. People didnt like that. There was still the the little percent of people that did like it, because they liked the idea of having a more Halloween type series with every year a different subject. This movie starred Tom Atkins as Daniel.
Well, I usually skip this installment while having a Halloween marathon, not so much when I was a kid, but now I find this movie more silly than scary. So I will give a little plot summary. This movie is about a company that makes Halloween masks, they're plan is to kill all the kids in America, by putting a curse in the mask, the mask then kills anyone who puts the mask on. Daniel tries to figure out the mystery of the company, and finds out something he never expected.
Personal Review:
This movie was hated by many, not cause how the movie actually was, but because they wanted Michael, not a general Halloween Movie. I personally do not like this movie. Not cause of that lame ''There is no Michael'' reason, but because I just don't like this type of Horror/Sci-Fi. Whenever I do watch this, I try and think of it as an alone standing movie, and in a way it makes it a bit better, but I don't think I will ever like this movie, and no it's not cause there isn't any Michael Myers.
Personal Rating:
4 out of 10 Stars
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
Now back on track. Many people liked this Installment to the series. It forgets Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, and takes place 10 years after Halloween 2. Starring (One of my favourite actresses.) Danielle Harris as Jamie <3. Ellie Cornell as Rachel. And ofcourse Donald Pleasance returns as the loved Dr. Loomis.
The Plot:
It takes place 10 years after Halloween 2, Michael has been in a coma all that time. While he is being transported to another hospital, he wakes up and kills the doctors. He escapes and makes his way back to Haddonfield. Where he tries to kill Jamie Lloyd (Danielle Harris) and kills anyone who tries to stop him. And there is ofcourse Dr. Loomis, who again tries to stop Michael.
Personal Review:
I like this movie. Ofcourse not as good as the first 2, but still good. When I was a kid, I never really liked this one, I usually watched this to build up the excitment for the Fifth Halloween, which was when I was 6 my favorite Horror Movie. But I look at it differently now, when I was a kid I just wanted suspensful chasings, which Halloween 2 and Halloween 5 had, that's why I loved them so much. But now that I am older, I look at the story more now. Michael looked really bad this movie (Shoulder Pads, Cheap Mask) Just wasn't so happy about his mask. And the killings, weren't all the well either. It has a huge cliffhanger, that didn't get continued, was pretty much forgotten. Which was a bummer, as it would have been very interesting to see how it would have worked out.
Personal Rating:
7 out of 10 Stars
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers.

This movie wasn't liked by many fans, mainly cause it completely ignored the cliffhanger of the fourth movie. This movie takes place 1 Year after the fourth one, and conitnues with the carachters Danielle Harris as Jamie. Ellie Cornell as Rachel. And ofcourse our beloved Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis.
The Plot:
It takes place 1 year after the fourth movie. Jamie is now in a children's hospital and is still traumatized by what happened in the fourth movie. For some reason she is a Mute. They never really go into deatails, but back to the story. It's Halloween and ofcourse Michael Myers returns once again to try and kill his last bloodline. Rachel, the carachter the fans grew to love in the fourth movie, unfortunatly got killed off early in this installment. The rest of the movie takes place by a Halloween Party. More dumb teenagers get killed, and it ends with a final chase scene between Michael and Jamie through Michael Myers' house. And this is also the movie with the famous laundry chute scene. Dr. Loomis ofcourse tries to stop Michael once again. And it almost works, as Michael is arrested, you see him in his jail cell, and then suddenly the guy dressed in black, who has appeared many times in the film. Shoots every officer and kidnaps Michael. Leaving another cliffhanger.
Personal Review:
As a kid, I loved this movie, I watched it many many times. I just loved that whole chase scene with Michael and Jamie. But now that I am older and wiser, this movie didn't really bring much to the series, the carachters were 1 Dimensional besides Jamie, Rachel and Dr. Loomis, but the rest of the cast, are kindda nerve wracking because of their dumbness. But whatever, it's a good movie with great suspense scene, and it has Danielle Harris :-D. As a kid it was my favourite out of them all, now, I still like it but I actually see it on what it is now.
Personal Rating:
8 out of 10 Stars.
Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers.
This movie was not liked bay man fans either, as this was the movie where everything didn't make sense anymore. It takes place 6 years after the fifth movie. It features J.C. Brandy as Jamie ''No Danielle Harris :('' Paul Rudd as Tommy. Marianne Hagan as Kara. And ofcourse our beloved Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis.
The Plot: Well there is a Theatrical Cut and a Producers Cut. I don't even want to get into the Producers cut... it was horrible!! So let's just go with the Theatrical Version. It takes place 6 years after the fifth movie. It starts off with Jamie in a (cult) hospital (kind of a weird hospital) giving birth to her baby. After the birth she escapes with her baby. Michael chases her, all the way to the station. Where she hides her baby in the restroom. And then goes back into her car and drives to the barn. Where Michael chases her and kills her. The Rest of the movie is more focused on giving us more backstory of Michael. Michael is a part of a Cult. Where he needs to kill his entire bloodline. The Baby from Jamie is the last Bloodline and must be killed in Michael's head. So Tommy tries to rescue the baby. And the cult tries to get a hold of Danny (The Son of Kara) to make him into the 'new' Michael. But it doesn't work. The end has a final battle between Tommy and Michael. Where it seems like Tommy wins. Well ofcourse Michael never dies. And the movie ends with the last scream of Dr. Loomis meaning his end to the series. As he died right after filming :( R.I.P Donald Pleasance!
Personal Review:
Again a movie I loved as a kid, espicially cause of the cool Halloween Theme Remix and the Strobe Effect scene in the hospital as Michael was slaughtering the doctor's and nurses, I always loved that scene. The kill scenes are awesome in this movie, quality perfect! Special Effects are better then ever! But it was the story that ruined the movie for many people, I have to admit, it didn't make much sense. But I would have loved it if they would have done something shocking to the little boy (Danny) cause they lead us to believe that he becomes the new Micahel, as he hears voices in his head, and see's the man in black, just like Michael. And what would have made this movie perfect for me, is that they had a scene like Jamie at the end of Halloween 4, but actually did something with it. I would have loved that! But too bad! Overall I like the movie, but the story isn't all to well.
Personal Rating:
7 out of 10 Stars.
Halloween 7: H20
This movie was loved by many! It had that classic Halloween feel to it. The story grabbed your attention right away. The box office for this movie was very successful! One of the reasons it was so succesful was because Jamie Lee Curtis came back to play her beloved role as Laurie Strode. Jamie's acting was amazing. It also features Michelle Willaims as Molly. Josh Hartnett as John. LL Cool J as Ronny. And believe it or not ''Psycho'' classic Janet Leigh, who is the screem queen of the 60's and is the mother of Jamie Lee Curtis in real life.
The Plot: This movie takes place 20 years after Halloween 2. They forget about Halloween 3-4-5-6. Many fans were confused as it didn't explain it much. So it took them awhile to get it. But as soon as you do, the movie takes you full force and leads up to the final epic battle between Michael and Laurie. Which leads to a touching end scene. With a badass decapatation of Michael.... Which the eigth film ruined. But that I will get to next time.
Personal Review: This movie was great. It went full force at the total beginning with that classic flashback scene with Jamie hiding in the closet from Michael in the original. Just that Jamie Lee Curtis returned to play as Laurie again was such a treat. You just knew it was going to be great. I love this movie, and always will. Mainly caus eof Jamie Lee Curtis, if it wasn't for her. This movie would have been crap. Imagine that fight scene between Laurie and Michael with a newbie instead of Laurie.... just not fitting. But I bet the script would have been different if there was no Laurie. But still, without her it would have sucked no doubt.
Personal Rating: 9 out of 10 Stars
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