The Plot: The Messengers is a film directed by Oxide Pang Chun and Danny Pang. Starring: Kristin Stewart (One of my favourite actresses) as Jess. Dylan McDermott as Roy. Penelope Ann Miller as Denise. John Corbett as Burwell. Evan/Theodore Turner as Ben. Dustin Milligan (One of my favourite actors) as Bobby. So the movie is about a family moving into a new house. And soon Jess starts noticing Paranormal Acitivity along side her baby brother Ben, who sees dead people. It had a bit of a prequel feel. Espicially at the beginning when the family who lived there before was being killed. That was pretty much the main plot in the movie. It was a very good movie that I will watch anyday. The Box Office was also great!!! The Sequel.... or 'so called' Prequel. I dont know what to call it. I'l just call it a sequel.... eewww I like seeing it as an alone standing movie! But whatever back on subject. It's directed by Martin Barnewitz. Starring: Norman Reedus as John. Heather Stephens as Mary. Claire Holt as Lindsey. Laurence Belcher as Michael. Richard Riehle as Jude. Darcy Fowers as Miranda. Matthew McNulty as Milton. The story follows a farmer John Rollins, who is struggling with financial issues. Who finds a scarecrow in the shed. And decides to put the scarecrow in the field. But soon stuff start going the right way for John. Everything is going great.... but the end result of the scarecrow's plan is not so great.
Personal Review: The Original was a very good film!!! I loved it, and I would watch it anyday. But the sequel... damn it sucked sooo much! They totally used the success of the first film to make this one. It's a real bummer that they made the Messengers into a piece of shit like this. i really have never felt so negative about a movie ever!! And why would they call it a prequel when it absolutely has N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with the original absolutely 0%!!! And the amount of classic overdone stupid ass horror cliché's were at an all time high in this movie. The ending SOOO pissed me off!!!! It was one of those stupid things like The Scarecrow was about to kill the boy... and of course right at that moment that he is ready to kill hem, the dad magicially shows up and is all of a sudden a hero after being a wreck the entire movie!! It's sooo stupid! I rolled my eyes so much with this movie. It happens in alot of movies those annoying savings at the ending where the killer stalls time and when he is finally ready to kill.... someone magicially appears to save the day!!! Thats the reason I love Scream so much!! The make fun of those ridiculous overused stupid cliché's that Messengers 2 is totally full of!!! And on the dvd box a critic said 'The Shining goes Country'.......... well you can already guess on how pissed off I was with that. How the hell can somebody compare this piece of shit with a masterpiece like The Shining. it blows my mind!!! Okay enough of my rant. The Messengers is a good film! But the sequel...prequel...ughh whatever is a PIECE OF SHIT!! Don't even touch it, it is not worth it!! I have never ever felt so negative about a movie! Please save yourself the time and do not watch The Messengers 2!!!!!
Soon I will make a seperate review. About both films... With a personal rating. :-D. Stay tuned. Tomorrow Day 12 will be up. Thanks for visiting my page.
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