The Plot: House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects is a movie written and directed by Rob Zombie. Many people call both movies 'White Trash' not so much as an insult but as a compliment. Both House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects stars Sheri Moon Zombie (She is one of my favourite actresses!) as Baby. Bill Moseley as Otis. Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding. And the legendary Karen Black who plays Mother Firefly in House of 1000 Corpses but Leslie Easterbrook plays Mother Firefly's Role in The Devil's Rejects. House of 1000 Corpses is about a psychotic family expiermenting their psychotic thoughts on people. And The Devil's Reejects is about that psychotic family being chased by the police. It also more a western feel to it. They both did great in the Box Office.
Personal Review: Rob Zombie is one of my favourite directors/writer alongside Wes Craven. House of 1000 Corpses is in my opinion a great movie. I love the acting the gore is at an all time best! It's just great! The Devil's Rejects is even better in my opinion! It still shows the psychotic minds of the family in the original. And it also gives a new twist to it, that you even start rooting for that family. It's crazy it really messes with your head! I love it, and it is probably one of my favourite movies. Its Harcore Horror at it's best and I just LOVE IT!
I will give a more detailed review when I review it 1 by 1. Which will be soon, and I will then also give my personal Rating.
Day 6: The Woman in Black. (Original + Remake)
The Plot: The Woman in Black is a movie based off the book ''The Woman in Black'' by Susan Hill. Both movies differ. The Original is more focused on the story. While The Remake is also very focused on the story line. But they were more focused on the scare factor. The Original is a forgotten film which was very good! With the 2012 Remake the original got a bit more attention but still not as much as it deserved. The Original Stars Adrian Rawlins as Arthur. While the remake stars Daniel Radcliffe as Arthur. Both the movies take place in the time period around 1890-1920. It's about a woman who recently died inside her home. And Arthur who is a lawyer. Goes to that house which is isolated from the rest of the town. Arthur deepens himself into the dark history of the woman in black. The Remake sidetracked from the original by making a twist that pretty much made the movie as good as it is. Whenever somebody sees the Woman in Black, a child dies. As the child is loured by the spirit in someway possesed and commits suicide without noticing it. It was a nice change that many people respected. The original was a Tv Movie. But the remake's box office was very succesful as they are now working on a sequel.
Personal Review: I personally liked the original more. But the Remake was also very good. What I respected about the original was that they focused way more on the creepy atmosphere and the story. While the Remake focused more on Jump Scares. But they were both good. I can't say they are my favourites but defanitly worth a watch even multiple watches. They are really good.
I will go more into detail when I do a more expanded review about this movie which will be soon. But this is more a general review as it is a part of my Halloween Horror Movie Countdown Reviews. Thanks for visiting my page and stay tuned for more horror movies. :-D
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