Day 1: The Ring (1 and 2).
The Plot: The Ring is a remake of the Japanese 'Ringu' both very popular movies, pretty much everyone knows the famous ''Crawling out of the tv screen.'' scene. Both movies follow the carachters Rachel (Naomi Watts) and her son Aidan (David Dorfman). Both movies give background on the maker of the killer tape, that if you watch the tape that the phone rings and says 'You're Going to Die in 7 Days'. Apperently it is a girl named Samara. A little girl who got killed by her own mother and got thrown in the well to rot. Ofcourse the idea is a bit overused, someone coming back from the dead wanting to take revenge. But it was the way they did it in this movie. Not so much focusing on the scare factor but more on the mystery, which was respected by many people as they didn't try to be a typical modern day horror movie. So it feels like a Thriller more then a Horror, espicially how both the movies are made. The Original kind of set the standards and the sequel went more into the details. The Sequel, Samra also tried to possess Aiden, take over his body so that she can expierence a normal childhood with a loving mother. Both movies did great in the box office. And to this day is still a major chapter in horror history.
Personal Review: I personally love both the original and sequel, I have watched them both multiple times. They were both kind of overused ideas, both the orignal's revenge plot and the sequel's possesion plot. But it's the unieke way it was written and filmed that made both movies so succesful. I love and will always love these movies!
I will give more detail when I am doing an actual review 1 by 1, which will be soon. This was more a general review, as you will see this entire month in this Post. I wont go into many details as I will spare that to the actual review. And I will also give my ratings then.
Day 2: The Last House on the Left
Personal Review: I love them both! They are both masterpieces, I personally would not know which one to choose. I just really love them! The original is indeed very very shocking espcially for it's time. While the Remake gives a little bit more mercy. This Original was even banned in some contries, as a proof on to how shocking the movie actually was. I also really liked the remake because 2 of my favourite actors are featured in it (Spencer Treat Clark and Sara Paxton). This review was a bit awkward as I had to tell the story of both movies in 1 summary, but that will be different when the time comes that I will review them 1 by 1, and give a bit more detail. And my personal Rating.
Day 3 - The Conjuring.
The Plot: The Conjuring is the most popular horror movie of 2013. James Wan directed the movie. Also Director of Insidious. The Movie has an Amityville Horror style to it. It starts with this family of 7 moving into a new house. Carolyn (Lili Taylor) starts noticing paranormal activity. Roger (Ron Livingston) doesn't believe her. So Carolyn seeks help by paranormal investagators Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farminga) . Soon Paranormal stuff starts happening to the kids. And slowly but surely the kids, the Warrens and the husband start noticing changes in Carolyn. And shortly after Ed and Lorraine figure out they are dealing with an exorsism. As Ed and Lorraine try to get the evil spirit out. The spirit goes crazy and tries to kill one of the kids. Ed and Lorraine just barely stop the spirit. And get the evil out.
Personal Review: I persoanlly did not like this movie. There may be some innaccurate info in there, as I wasn't to fond of the movie but I tried my best to remember everything. I found the scares to predictable. The Plot of the movie was WAY overused. It felt like a total remake of The Amityville Horror. Which did not sit well with me. And the whole ordeal with the doll, did not make much sense as the doll was only in the beginning and had nothing to do with the main story. Ofcourse the actors are GREAT! But the idea of the movie is waaay to overused. The Special effects were pretty cool. And the clapping theory was a good idea. But I just still cannot get over that I felt like I was watching Amityville Horror all over again. A pretty big dissapointment, in my opinion. But I knew many many people, loved it for some reason (probably never watched Amityville or The Exorsist) But so felt like I should make a review about it just for the fans.
Well this is pretty much it for me now. In General, for someone who is new to horror films and doesnt know the classic cliche's, they'll probably shit their pants. But for horror FANS! You could call it a copycat of 2 Classics (Exorsist and Amityville).
Day 4: Jeepers Creepers.
The Plot: Jeepers Creepers (1 and 2) are both directed by Victor Salva.The Original introduced the Jeepers Creepers Villain. In the original he was more a mysterious creeper, that stayed in the background. In the second one he was shown more, they also made him out to be a more unserious and kind of goofish in the sequel, which many people did not like. The Original featured Gina Phillips as Trish. Justin Long as Darry. They are passing by the country side on their way to visit their mother. And they drive by a house and they see a man throwing corpses in a chute. And the Creeper follows them and stalks them throughout the movie tell he gets what he wants. The sequel set a few days after the original features yet again Justin Long as Darry but this time in a minor role. And also Ray Wise as Jack. Nicki Aycox as Minxie. Follows a Basketball team that just won the championship going on a road trip in a school bus. They drive by the country side where the original plays. Minxie see's the Creepers victims warnings in her dreams. Both films did great in the box office. And is still a very popular horror movie that many people will continue to like.
Personal Review: I personally loved the original. It showed the creeper's more serious and darker side. He was really in the background. And ever since I was a little boy, that one scene with the crepper throwing those corpses in the chute, and afterwards being out of a sight for a minute, then suddenly just staring at them from a distance out of nowhere. Has to probably the most scary scene I saw in a film. And I have literally scene 100's of Horror Movies, and that scene is just as creepy as fuck. The sequel showed a more goofy side on the crepper, which was kind of dissapointing, espcially since their isn't a third film to back it up. I personally think if they would have some carachter devolpment in this movie it would have become very good, but ti was just random stupid kids that you could not relate with. I personally did like Minxie's carachter and thought they should have done something more with her carachter, as her scenes were the high lights of the movie. And Jack, was too unbelievable, which really ruined the movie for me. So overall I love the original, and is in my top 50 Horror Movies! But the sequel was very dissapointing in my eyes, mainly cause of the joker creeper, and the lack of carachter devolpment.
I will soon make a loose review of these 2 movies, and give more info. And also my Personal Rating.
Day 5: House of 1000 Corpses + Sequel (The Devil's Rejects)

The Plot: House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects is a movie written and directed by Rob Zombie. Many people call both movies 'White Trash' not so much as an insult but as a compliment. Both House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects stars Sheri Moon Zombie (She is one of my favourite actresses!) as Baby. Bill Moseley as Otis. Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding. And the legendary Karen Black who plays Mother Firefly in House of 1000 Corpses but Leslie Easterbrook plays Mother Firefly's Role in The Devil's Rejects. House of 1000 Corpses is about a psychotic family expiermenting their psychotic thoughts on people. And The Devil's Reejects is about that psychotic family being chased by the police. It also more a western feel to it. They both did great in the Box Office.
Personal Review: Rob Zombie is one of my favourite producers/writer alongside Wes Craven. House of 1000 Corpses is in my opinion a great movie. I love the acting the gore is at an all time best! It's just great! The Devil's Rejects is even better in my opinion! It still shows the psychotic minds of the family in the original. And it also gives a new twist to it, that you even start rooting for that family. It's crazy it really messes with your head! I love it, and it is probably one of my favourite movies. Its Harcore Horror at it's best and I just LOVE IT!
I will give a more detailed review when I review it 1 by 1. Which will be soon, and I will then also give my personal Rating.
Day 6: The Woman in Black. (Original + Remake)
The Plot: The Woman in Black is a movie based off the book ''The Woman in Black'' by Susan Hill. Both movies differ. The Original is more focused on the story. While The Remake is also very focused on the story line. But they were more focused on the scare factor. The Original is a forgotten film which was very good! With the 2012 Remake the original got a bit more attention but still not as much as it deserved. The Original Stars Adrian Rawlins as Arthur. While the remake stars Daniel Radcliffe as Arthur. Both the movies take place in the time period around 1890-1920. It's about a woman who recently died inside her home. And Arthur who is a lawyer. Goes to that house which is isolated from the rest of the town. Arthur deepens himself into the dark history of the woman in black. The Remake sidetracked from the original by making a twist that pretty much made the movie as good as it is. Whenever somebody sees the Woman in Black, a child dies. As the child is loured by the spirit in someway possesed and commits suicide without noticing it. It was a nice change that many people respected. The original was a Tv Movie. But the remake's box office was very succesful as they are now working on a sequel.
Personal Review: I personally liked the original more. But the Remake was also very good. What I respected about the original was that they focused way more on the creepy atmosphere and the story. While the Remake focused more on Jump Scares. But they were both good. I can't say they are my favourites but defanitly worth a watch even multiple watches. They are really good.
I will go more into detail when I do a more expanded review about this movie which will be soon. But this is more a general review as it is a part of my Halloween Horror Movie Countdown Reviews. Thanks for visiting my page and stay tuned for more horror movies. :-D
Day 7: Scream Franchise.
The Plot: The original Scream is from 1996. Directed and written by the master of horror 'Wes Craven'. Scream was a different type of slasher movie. Starring Drew Barrymore as Casey. Neve Campbell as Sidney. Courtney Cox as Gale. David Arquette as Dewey. Skeet Ulrich as Billy. Matthew Lillard as Stuart and Jamie Kennedy as Randy. Instead of it being a typical cliché type Slasher. Instead they made fun of the horror cliché's and gave a more horror (comedic) feel to it. It's about someone that is so obsessed with Horror Movies, that he gains his idea's from Horror to kill and stalk people. You even hear the people in the movie explaining the horror cliché's, which was an all time first. It was the late 90's, the slasher genre was coming to an end. Scream brought it back to life. And with that a whole whirlwind of Slasher's came, bringing the Slasher genre back to life. With movies like ''Urban Legend'' and ''I Know What you did Last Summer'' and their line of sequels is a perfect example of how much Scream influenced the movies of the late 90's and early 2000's. Sream also had another first. It was a duo killer. Everybody throughout the film was trying to figure out who the killer was. And it ended up being 2 killers. The sequel of Scream came. And that had the exact same feel to it as the original. But this time it was all about the Sequel cliche's. It still followed the 4 survivors from the original (Sidney, Dewey, Gale and Randy) Randy dies half way. In a pretty lame way for such a good carachter as Randy! But the killer ended up being the mother of the original killer. She wanted revenge on the 4 survivors on killing her son. So she used the Sequel cliche's to honor her son who used the typical Horror cliché's. Then Scream 3 came. They took another route for this one. It still had that scream feel to it... and yes they had the Trilogy cliché's. But this movie felt more like a Movie within a Movie. Espicially how they made ''Stab'' such a big role in this film. They still followed the 3 survivors from the first/second film. 11 Years later, the original Scream trilogy which printed it's stamp in Horror History. Was no longer a trilogy but a Quadrilogy. This movie was not recieved well by the fans, as they felt they were messing with the classics. The Box Office wasn't all that well either. This movie was not about classic cliché's. But about the Modern day cliché's. The motto for this movie was ''New Decade, New Rules'' It showed the cliché's of the Remake genre and newer generation slashers. To expect the unexpected. It still followed Sidney, Gale and Dewey. Who by this time have become Scream originals. 3 Days ago, it was announced that they are busy with a fifth film. No info is out yet. They are also working on a 'Scream'' tv series.
Personal Review: I personally LOVE the Scream Quadrilogy. I like the original Trilogy better. But the fourth is also good. But the original was very good. And is a unieke film, that could actually only be made once. As it is a very unieke idea that cannot be copied. The sequels were still good. But just not as good as the original. I will continue to love the Scream Franchise and will watch it any day!
Soon, I will review the films 1 by 1, and also give a personal review.
Day 8: Joy Ride (1 and 2)
The Plot: The Original is a movie directed by John Dahl starring: Steve Zahn as Fuller. Paul Walker as Lewis. Leelee Sobieski as Venna. The movie is about Lewis picking Venna up to take her back home for the summer break of college. On the way on picking Venna up. He finds out his brother who he hasn't seen in 5 years was arrested the night before in Salt Lake City. Lewis takes a detour to pick up his brother Fuller. After Lewis picks Fuller up. They drive further to pick up Venna. Fuller spots a CB Radio in Lewis' car, so they decide to do a prank with someone. But the guy who got pranked takes it a bit to serious. And kidnaps Charlotte (Jessica Bowman). And blackmails Fuller, Lewis and Venna to do sick shit to rescue her. Near the end he kidnaps Venna and sets a trap that can cost them their lives. It was a good movie! A very good thriller that had horror aspects in it. The sequel which had nothing to do with the Original. Was filmed 7 years after the Original and stars: Nick Zano as Bobby. Laura Jordan as Kayla. Kyle Schmid as Nik. And one of my favourite actresses Nicki Aycox as Melissa. This sequel had a bit more sadistic side to it. It had alot more darker feel to it instead of a creepy feel. So the Original is for the adrenaline junkies. And the Sequel is for the Gore Hounds. It is similair to the first it has the CB. And someone wanting revenge on a past event. By stalking them over a CB Radio. The circumstances that the victims were in was very sick and you felt a really sympathetic. And what the writer of the movie did to the charachters was very sick and offensive. It was a complete 180 turn from the Original and had a complete different feel to it.
Personal Review: I like them both for different reasons. I love Gore but I also love excitment. But the Original plot was the most interesting and probably the most exciting as the sequel was so silmilair story wise to the Original. Overall they are great films. The sequel is fun to watch multiple times but the Original.... since nothing really shocking happened (instead more a creepy feeling) I think it wears off as the creepiness becomes less scary when you watch it mulitple times. But they are good movies and easy rewatchable.
I will soon do a better review about both movies. And also give my personal rating. This is it for today. Tomorrow Day 9 will be up with yet a new horror movie. So stay tuned and thanks for visiting my page!
Day 9: The Lords of Salem.
Personal Review: Well this is a movie that you really have to pay attention, one minute of missing something out the movie won't make sense anymore. And me being completely Starstruck over Sheri Moon Zombie on that she finally gets the lead role!! I kind of missed out on a lot cause I was so excited seeing her having such a big role for a change. Like I was completely starstruck. But the movie in general was very very good. A different type of movie then I am used to watching. But I watch everything of Rob Zombie. Probably one of his biggest fans. I love his movies, all his movies are in my favourite movie list. They had alot of disturbing imagery, good unexpected jump scares that actually surprised me (and I am not easily startled). The story was perfectly put in together. But the ending did feel a bit rushed. But that doesn't really matter as the rest of the movie covered it up. And the ending was probably the most weird and disturbing endings I have ever seen in a movie. That just left me with this real empty and kind of sick feeling. But that is good that a movie can have effects like that. This is a very very good movie! And I will watch it many many times! A real Rob Zombie work, and one of my favourites! Love it, and cannot wait till his new movie.
Soon I will have a full review about this movie with details and a personal rating.
Day 10: The Haunting in Conneticut. (Original + Sequel)
The Plot: The Haunting in Conneticut is a movie directed by Peter Cornwell. Starring: Virginia Madsen as Sara. Kyle Gallner (One of my personal favourite actors) as Matt. Martin Donovan as Peter. Amanda Crew as Wendy. The movie is based off a true story. It's a movie about a family being forced to move to a new home due to their son's health. As soon as they are there, weird stuff starts to happen. Flashbacks + Paranormal Activity. And it ends up being that the house was a former Mortuary, that has a sadistic past... The Sequel had nothing to do with the original and went it's own way. with 'Ghosts of Georgia'. Starring: Abigail Spencer as Lisa. Chad Micahel Murray (One of my favourite actors) as Andy. Katee Sackhoff as Joyce. Emily Alyn Lind as Heidi. A family moves into a new house isolated from the rest of the world. And soon Heidi starts noticing unexplainable things, like an old man talking to her who actually died many many years ago. As the film progresses they find out they are actually living on the ground of the Station Master. A guy who used to lock slaves up in the cellar back when the slavery was in progress. The slaves thought it was a Safe Haven but it was a sadistic man who kept them captive. Soon the spirit of the station master gets disturbed and wants to kill the Wyrick family.
Personal Review: I personally love the original alot more mainly cause the story was so good, and it really messed with your head, to a point you felt so disturbed that you were tempted to just turn it off. And I also love it cause it has one of my favourite actors Kyle Gallner who also played Quentin in Nightmare on Elm Street Remake. The sequel on the other hand, I didnt like so much. The story was good and it had potential. But, I wasn't satisfied by the ending as it was kind of a lame and to 'happy endish' (if thats even a word) but whatever you know what I mean. Overall they are good films that I would rewatch anyday.
Soon I will write a 1 by 1 review about both of the films and give a bit more detail plus a personal rating. Thanks for visiting my page, tomorrow Day 11 will be up with...... you'll find that out tomorrow :-D.
Day 11: The Messengers
The Plot: The Messengers is a film directed by Oxide Pang Chun and Danny Pang. Starring: Kristin Stewart (One of my favourite actresses) as Jess. Dylan McDermott as Roy. Penelope Ann Miller as Denise. John Corbett as Burwell. Evan/Theodore Turner as Ben. Dustin Milligan (One of my favourite actors) as Bobby. So the movie is about a family moving into a new house. And soon Jess starts noticing Paranormal Acitivity along side her baby brother Ben, who sees dead people. It had a bit of a prequel feel. Espicially at the beginning when the family who lived there before was being killed. That was pretty much the main plot in the movie. It was a very good movie that I will watch anyday. The Box Office was also great!!! The Sequel.... or 'so called' Prequel. I dont know what to call it. I'l just call it a sequel.... eewww I like seeing it as an alone standing movie! But whatever back on subject. It's directed by Martin Barnewitz. Starring: Norman Reedus as John. Heather Stephens as Mary. Claire Holt as Lindsey. Laurence Belcher as Michael. Richard Riehle as Jude. Darcy Fowers as Miranda. Matthew McNulty as Milton. The story follows a farmer John Rollins, who is struggling with financial issues. Who finds a scarecrow in the shed. And decides to put the scarecrow in the field. But soon stuff start going the right way for John. Everything is going great.... but the end result of the scarecrow's plan is not so great.
Personal Review: The Original was a very good film!!! I loved it, and I would watch it anyday. But the sequel... damn it sucked sooo much! They totally used the success of the first film to make this one. It's a real bummer that they made the Messengers into a piece of shit like this. i really have never felt so negative about a movie ever!! And why would they call it a prequel when it absolutely has N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with the original absolutely 0%!!! And the amount of classic overdone stupid ass horror cliché's were at an all time high in this movie. The ending SOOO pissed me off!!!! It was one of those stupid things like The Scarecrow was about to kill the boy... and of course right at that moment that he is ready to kill hem, the dad magicially shows up and is all of a sudden a hero after being a wreck the entire movie!! It's sooo stupid! I rolled my eyes so much with this movie. It happens in alot of movies those annoying savings at the ending where the killer stalls time and when he is finally ready to kill.... someone magicially appears to save the day!!! Thats the reason I love Scream so much!! The make fun of those ridiculous overused stupid cliché's that Messengers 2 is totally full of!!! And on the dvd box a critic said 'The Shining goes Country'.......... well you can already guess on how pissed off I was with that. How the hell can somebody compare this piece of shit with a masterpiece like The Shining. it blows my mind!!! Okay enough of my rant. The Messengers is a good film! But the sequel...prequel...ughh whatever is a PIECE OF SHIT!! Don't even touch it, it is not worth it!! I have never ever felt so negative about a movie! Please save yourself the time and do not watch The Messengers 2!!!!!
Soon I will make a seperate review. About both films... With a personal rating.
Day 12: The Others
Day 12: The Others
The Plot: The Others is a movie directed and written by Alejandro Amenábar. Starring: Nicole Kidman (One of my favourite actresses) as Grace. Fionnula Flanagan as Bertha. Alakina Mann as Anne. James Bentley as Nicholas. The Story is about a mother with her 2 photosensitive children living in an old mansion. It takes place in the second world war. As soon as the new nanny comes. Grace starts noticing Paranormal Activity... or so she thinks. The Movie had an extremely shocking ending. The Box Office was great!!
Personal Review: I personally love this movie. it has a creepy atmoshpere that gives you chills. Very good scares! Good Story, Good Actors. It's probably one of the best movies I have ever watched. It is a truely frightning movie with a good pace. It isn't a cheap ''Paranormal'' movie. This one really has a story that really leaves you shocked. It's extremely well established and written. I would recommend it to anyone.
Soon I will make a longer review with more details.
Day 13: The Sixth Sense
The Plot: The Sixth Sense is a movie Directed and Written by M. Night Shyamalan. Starring: Bruce Willis (One of my favourite actors) as Malcom. Haley Joel Osment (Another one of my favourite actors) as Cole. Toni Collette as Lynn. Olivia Williams as Anna. The movie is about a shy introverted little boy. Who sees dead people's spirits. He seeks help by a Child Psychologist named Malcom. Who himself has lost a patient and is trying to redeem himself by helping Cole. But he stumbles upon a case on something he didn't expect. And soon finds out that his life has drastically changed.
Personal Review: This is also one of my favourite movies. The acting is outstanding, and the plot is extremely good paste, that it's even fun for non thriller-horror lovers to watch. It's all about the sotry with this movie. With a few frightning scares. The actors were all so good! And Haley's acting was probably the best acting I have seen by a child. It's really good!!! I would again recommend it for anyone.
Soon I will write a review about it, with more details and my personal rating.
Day 14: I Know What You Did Last Summer Trilogy

The Plot: All 3 Movies are drected by different directors (Jim Gillespie & Danny Cannon & Sylvain White) Starring: (2 of my All Time favourite actresses since a long time): Jennifer Love Hewitt as Julie, Sarah Michelle Gellar as Helen. Also starring: Freddi Prinze Jr. as Barry. Muse Watson as Ben Willis. Brandy Norwood as Karla. Mekhi Phifer. Brokke Nevin as Amber. David Paetkau as Colby. Torrey DeVitto as Zoe. K.C Clyde as Hafner. The Story in the original is about a group of friends accidently running someone over. And they dump his body in the ocean they decide to never talk about it again and make a pact to keep the secret till they die. But 1 summer later. Julie gets a message saying 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' and as the movie progresses the killer tries to kill them all 1 by 1. The sequel is a follow up to the original. And the third one is... well a follow up, but it has nothing to do with the other 2, as it is also made 8 years after the sequel was made.
Personal Review: They are all good, the last one of the trilogy had it's flaws but it was still good. The original was an effect of 'Scream', As it was the late 90's, the slasher genre was at an end. But then Scream came and brought it back to life, and a whole whirlwind of slashers came along. With I Know What You Did Last Summer being one of them. But the idea of this movie was pretty good. Not really used in the past, which was a great time to make a big entry to slashers like this. The Sequel was a good sequel, it didn't bring that much to the table. But it had Jennifer Love Hewitt in it, so that made it okay! The third movie was different, like it didn't make a big impression. But it was good enough. The way of filming was way cool! I loved it!! The Gore was also very good, espicially with Zoe's death. I was very impressed. Overall they are all really good that I would watch anyday. And somehow they all end with cliffhangers that don't get continued... but whatever they are all good anyways :-D.
Soon I will make a more detailed review about all 3 movies :-D.
Day 15: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise
The Plot: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a movie originally directed by Toby Hooper, who also directed the sequel. But after that it was all different directors (Jeff Burr, Kim Henkel, Marcus Nispel, Jonathan Liebesman & John Luessenhop) The Orginal Starred: Marilyn Burns as Sally. Allen Danziger as Jerry, Paul Partain as Franklin, William Vail as Kirk, Teri McMinn as Pam. Edwin Niel as Hitchhiker. Jim Siedow as 'Cook'. The Movies after the original they starred stars such as: Dennis Hopper as Lefty. Caroline Williams as Stretch. Kate Hodge as Michelle. Ken Foree as Benny. Viggo Mortensen as Tex. Renée Zellweger as Jenny. Matthew McConaughey as Vilmer. Jessica Biel as Erin. Jonathan Tucker as Morgan. Erica Leerhsen (One of my favourite actresses) as Pepper. Mike Vogel as Andy. Eric Balfour as Kemper. R. Lee Ermey as Hoyt. Jordana Brewster as Chrissie. Taylor Handley as Dean. Diora Baird as Bailey. Matt Bomer as Eric. Andrew Bryniarski as Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface). Alexandra Daddario as Heather. Trey Songz as Ryan. Scott Eastwood as Carl. Tania Raymonde as Nikki. Shaun Sipos as Darryl. But now to the story. The Original is based off of real life killer 'Ed Gein'. It's about 5 friends on a roadtrip have car trouble and decide to explore (Yeah, nowadays it's warn off already, since so many movies have that. But for it's time, it was acceptable) And wander into a Psychotic Family's home, where they then get killed 1 by 1. The sequel took a different direction, more into a comedic MOVIE instead of a disturbing gore flick. The third movie went in a completely different direction introducing a new family of psychopaths and leaving the Saywer behind. The Next Generation (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4) went into a total comedic spin. It started off pretty strong for a slasher. (Dumb teenagers go into a forest after driving away from prom) And slowly get killed of 1 by 1. The acting was not so good. And it felt a little too dumb, with making a wanna be female leatherface. I understand that it's a little more accurate to the true story. But talk about OVERACTING! Like seriously Leatherface went a little overboard with the carachter that just totally ruined that creepiness about him. So the Remake came in 2003. Where it went back to it's roots and mainly focused on the horror. Which it was, a good horror movie! That also introduced us to a new Psychotic family 'Hewitt'. The 2006 Prequel was a nice addition to the franchise. The acting was Outstanding! And it showed more of the psychotic Hewitt family. The 2013, was good. They couldn't really make a sequel to the remake because of the way it ended. And they couldn't make a prequel again. So they finally made the sequel that the Original 1974 classic deserved.
Personal Review: The Original will always stay my favourite without a doubt! The acting was strong, and it introduced us to what for many people is decades of entertainment. Following the Franchise. The Sequel was a bit weak. Too much thinking went into this sequel. That cave thingie the psycho's lived in with all the decorations, and them suddenly turning into what seemed like circus clowns instead of psychopaths didn't sit well with me. The acting was a little overdone. And usually I like Dennis Hopper but his acting was just terrible in this movie! Like seriously 'running into the psychotic family's hiding spot with a chainsaw and screaming nonsense (Like it was literally just yelling, nothing else but his obnoxious yelling while running... like who would do that!!!) But anyways I didnt like this one. The only good thing I can say is that, they worked with a HUGE budget which was also visable. The third one was a bit better but not even close to the original. The Next Generation was a joke. Besides they're being Renée Zellweger in it, it was a disaster, haha. It was just all over the place to a point where it just is too unbelievable. The Reamke was very much needed, to get that seriousness back to Leatherface. I really respected the Remake and really like it! It's scary + gory. The Prequel was also a really good one. i remember watching it when i was 10 alone in the dark at 2 o clock in the morning in Alaska :-D. Probably the most goriest movie I have ever watched. And a really dark and mean movie that just left you really uncomfortable. The 2013 sequel was a good movie!!! I went in with low expectations. But was very surprised!! It was what I call 'The Deserved Sequel to the Original' As it started where the original left off. Which was all the fans wanted to see. It made a nice twist to the series, making you root for Leatherface was a first. It was Nice Movie that I really really liked!!!
Soon I will make a more detailed review. With my personal ratings. Thanks for visiting my page, and stay tuned for tomorrow, cause that willl be a long review with a very popular Horror Franchise. :-D
Day 16: A Nightmare on Elm Street (Original + Sequels + Remake)

The Plot: A Nightmare on Elm Street is a 1984 film written and directed by horror master: Wes Craven. The original movie stars: Heather Langenkamp (One of my favourite actresses) as Nancy. Amanda Wyss as Tina. Jsu Garcia as Rod. John Saxon as Donald. Ronee Blakely as Marge. Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger. And a very young Johnny Depp as Glen. The sequels came along starring 3 of the original stars (Heather Langenkamp '1,3,7', John Saxon '1,3', Robert Englund '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', Jsu Garcia '1,7'.) The sequels starred: Mark Patton as Jesse. Kim Myers as Lisa. Patricia Arquette (One of my favourite actresses) as Kristin. Ken Sagoes as Kencaid. Rodney Eastman as Joey. Craig Wasson as Neil. Lisa Wilcox as Alice. Andras Jones as Rick. Danny Hassel as Dan. Kelly Jo Minter as Yvonne. Lisa Zane as Maggie. Lezlie Deane as Tracy. Tracy Middendorf (One of my favourite actresses). And now my ALL TIME Favourite actor, who also stars as a little boy in Pet Semetary, Kindergarten Cop, Full House, Mercury Rising and more recent ones such as Remains. It's MIKO HUGHES as Dylan :-D. Monica Keena as Lori. Jason Ritter as Will. Kelly Rowland as Kia. Katharina Isabelle (One of my favourite actresses) as Gibb. The Remake stars: Kyle Gallner (One of my favourite actors) as Quentin. Rooney Mara as Nancy. Thomas Dekker as Jesse. Kellen Lutz as Dean. Katie Cassidy (Top 3 favourite actresses) as Kris. But now onto the main plot. The original was a movie directed and written by Wes Craven. It took alot of begging, but finally New Line Cinema accepted his offer. And went along and made the film with a low budget, not expecting much. But little did they know. It was the beginning of one of the greatest successes in Hollywood history. It's about a group of teenagers who are having nightmares all about the same man. And they find out if you die in your dreams, then you die in real life. So Freddy Krueger a Child Killer (Remake = Child Molester) Wants revenge on the people who burned him alive. He takes his rage out in their kids' dreams. Nancy figures out how to kill him. And it works... for then. The sequel came along 1 year later. Taking a complete different direction, by having a possesion plot instead of a slasher plot. Many didn't really like it! A third movie came, which what many say is the best in the series. It didn't do to great in the box office as the original sequel wasn't liked people didn't take the energy to look at the third one, even though Wes Craven returned to direct it. The Fourth one was a little back and fourth some liked it, some hated it. It's just what you're type of horror is. The fifth one came along with a pretty interesting concept. Freddy stalking Alice by using Alice's unborn child (So in the stomach) for the dummies out there that didn't get it. The Sixth one came along, and turned the franchise into a complete mess. By using a complete comedic touch to it. Many people gave up after this movie as it wasn't liked at all. So 3 years later. Wes Craven came back to write and direct one last movie. Wes Craven's New Nightmare. It was a masterpiece. Many people loved it. It brought Freddy back to it's dark roots. It gave it a movie within a movie feel. Heather Langenkamp also returned which many people loved! And ofcourse her cute little son Dylan (Miko Hughes. My favourite Actor ever) This movie is hard to explain as you actually have to see it to get it! But Freddy tries to come into the real world. And he uses Heather's son as a gateway to the real world. It's an interesting concept, and it really worked, as it is for many people their favourite of the series. 2003 came along and Freddy vs Jason was released. It was really liked by alot. As they were excited that 2 of the biggest horror icons were finally batteling it out. The Box Office for this movie was crazy. And the amount of money Robert Englund got with this movie was as much as the whole entire budget was in the first film. 7 years later a remake was made, It was also not very liked by many people. Infact many people hated it! Mainly because of the 2 dimensional carachters. And that they switched Freddy into a Child Molester instead of a Child Killer. The Special Effects and the quality were better then any othe rin the series. But that was mainly cause of the time period it was made. But storywise it's pretty much a mess compared to the original. It gives a bit more backstory on Freddy then the original did. But because they switched FReddy into a whole different person in this movie. people were automaticially not very interested.
Personal Review: I love all of the movies besides the 6th one. The Original is a really good movie, just a masterpiece, nothing else needs to be said. It's fantastic! The sequel on the otherhand wasn't liked. It was a different approach which I could respect that they wanted to try something new. As a kid I always skipped it, pretty much tried to ignore it, act like it didn't exsist. But now that I am older. I get the story more, and see it as it is. So I like it better now, and I do include it with my Nightmare on Elm Street marathons, which I used to not do. The Third one, was as a child my all time favourite movie. I just loved it! I remember always renting that particular one at the video store. I watched it so much times! For some reason i always had butterfly in my stomach when I was a kid seeing this movie, haha kind of weird. But I just really loved it! And it also brought Heather Langenkamp and John Saxon back! :-D And the fourth one, I also respect, it's not as good. But it's okay. I like that it featured the survivors of the third movie. And I like that the fifth one featured the survivors of the fourth movie. I always though the fifth one was kind of weird, as a kid, and still to this day. I like it. But it's different, maybe with that whole concept of Freddy using the babies dreams to get to Alice... I don't know, all I know is that I like it, and always will. Even though the comic book scene was stupid!! And I am going to skip the sixth one, as I dont have enough time to rant about it, just read my persoal review by the Messengers 2: Scarecrow, there you can see how I felt about this movie! It didnt have much cliché's, and people did die! Whcih was good. But it was the whole story. Like freaking pulling someone into a cheerful colorful video game.... like seriously?? Johnny Depp made an appearance in this movie which was cool. But for the rest it sucked, ever little bit of it sucked. And from now on, I just skip this freaking movie as I just don't like it. Wes Craven's New Nightmare is my all time favourite movie, i have watched it more than 30 times since I was little to now. Like every month I atleast watch it once. Mainly cause of Miko Hughes!! And I also like Nancy and Julie. The movie overall is just a masterpiece, they really made a HUGE comback from the pit it was driven in after the sixth movie. So I was just extremely happy that this revived the series and gave it the end it deserved. Thank god for Wes Craven! Freddy vs Jason... it's a decnt movie. not really my favourite, but it's okay. The remake, even though it has all the hate towards it, I personally kind of like it. i don't like what they did to Freddy, changing him into a Molester instead of a Killer. That just ruins the creepiness and just increases the awkwardness! The actors were not at their best. I really liked Kyle Gallner and Katie Cassidy, as I always like their work. But if it wasnt for them, i would have liked this movie that much. And that scene with Dean in the café was pretty badass! I love that scene! And with Kris being smashed through the room is also badass.
Soon I will make a longer review with more details to explain the movies and more what I thought of the movie separately instead of all together. With my Personal Rating.
Day 17: Psycho (Quadrilogy + Remake)

The Plot: Psycho is a classic Horror film directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock, based offo of real life killer 'Ed Gein' The same killer Texas Chainsaw Massacre is based off of. Psycho Stars: Anthony Perkins (One of my favourite actors) as Norman Bates. Janet Leigh (One of my favourite Actresses) as Marion. Vera Miles as Lila. John Gavin as Sam. Martin Balsam as Arbogast. The sequels following starred Anthony Perkins in all 4 movies. And Vera Miles was in the sequel. It also starred: Meg Tilly as Mary. Robert Loggia as Dr. Bill Raymond. Diana Scarwid as Maureen. Henry Thomas as Young Norman Bates (IV: The Beginning = Prequel), Olivia Hussey as Norma Bates. The Remake starred: Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates. Anne Heche as Marion. Viggo Mortenson as Sam. Julianne Moore as Lila. But now to the actual story. Psycho, for it's time was a terryfing movie. It was a good movie!! To this day it is the most popular horror movies out there. With the infamous shower scene. It's about Marion a secretary stelas 40.000 from her employers cliënt. And decides to take off. While she is on the run, she needs a place to stay for the night. She sees the Bates Motel from a distance and decides to stay their for the night. As soon as she pulls up. Norman isn't there. She see's shadows moving behind the curtains in the house on top of the hill. She honks her horn. And a minute later Norman comes running up. They talk. And decide to have dinner together. Norman goes inside to tell his 'mother' the mother doesn't agree and yells at him, about that he shouldn't be hanging out with girls. Marion hears the 'argument' between them. So Norman brings the food to the Motel instead. And after dinner. Marion decides to take a shower. And than the 'mother' stabs Marion to death in the shower. And then runs away. A few moments later you hear Norman yelling 'Mother, blood, blood' And runs to Marion motel room. And fins her stabbed to death. And as any loyal son would do to protect their mother. He dumps any evidence of Marion even being there in the swamp. A few days later Marion is reported missing. Det. Arbogast decides to search for Marion at the Bates Motel. While there he gets killed by the mother. And later Lila (Marion's sister) and Sam (Marion's boyfriend) get wooried and decide to take a quick look themselves at the Bates Motel. And while there Lila finds the mother in the basement staring at the wall. Lila slowly walks up to Norma. She turns the chair, and it's the skeleton of Norma. And behind her she sees Norman dressed up in his mother's clothes with a Kitchen Knife. Sam and Lila just barely escape. It ends with Norman being in custody. And shows him smiling, still thinking he is the mother. So it was a hell of a movie back then, this movie was worldwide succesful. Janet Leigh, Alfred Hitchcock and Anthony Perkins became world stars. Janet Leigh is to this day one of the most famous actresses. Even though she passed away in 2004. A classic like Psycho, will forever have an effect on the world. And is a MAJOR chapter in Horror History. Pretty much the start of the Slasher genre. The sequel came 23 years after the original. It was about Norman readjusting to life after being in a psychiatric hospital for 23 years. He returns to the Bates Motel and tries to make a living. He slowly gets paranoid, and cuts himself from the rest of the world. With Lila from the first film with Mary, her daughter. Trying to frame Norman. By making phonecalls claiming to be his mother. And dressing up as his mother. But slowly the audience finds out he isnt tricked by Lila and Mary. But by another unknown woman who really claims to be his mother. He trusts her. And the ending, left people begging for a Part 3. And yet 3 years later Psycho 3 came out. Being a follow up to Psycho 2. It's also played 3 days after the events of Psycho 2. Psycho 3, ended up not quite being what the audience expected. It was a bit of a letdown. As it turned more into a typical teenage slasher film instead of staying loyal to the previous 2 films. The fourth Psycho wasn't theatrically released due to the poor income of Psycho 3. So it was a straight to video movie. It forgets the events of 2 and 3. And starts up with Norman talking with a radio station over the radio. About Children that killed their mother. It's a blast to the past for Norman as he relives everything from his childhood, and it gives us more background on to what made Norman how he is. It's in a way a prequel. The Remake is a shot by shot remake of the original. So I am not going to go into detail as I already explained it to it's fullest.
Personal Review: I personally love all of them. The original was just such a good movie. It is still terrifying to this day. And it will forever be a loved classic that will never be forgotten. The acting was Outstanding. The sequel was a nice addition, I personally liked it. It really had that typical 80's gore. When you see it, you'll get it. The third movie. Wasn't all that well. It hardly took place in the house, and took more place in the motel. And the charachters in the movie... ugh don't even get me started, it really felt like a Friday the 13th movie or something, which just doesn't work for Psycho. The only good thing about this movie was Anthony Perkins :-D. The fourth movie (Prequel) was interesting, I liked seeing the backstory. Now with the Bates Motel tv series with all thos epopular actor sin it, the Prequel to the original will probably be forgotten. As Bates Motel is doing a fantastic job and is already with a second season. People most likely won't want to watch a prequel to something that doesn't match with the prequel that's on tv (Bates Motel) But it's a good movie, I personally like it. And then there was the remake.... ugh, what were they thinking.. A SHOT BY SHOT remake of a freaking classic. They shouldnt have even remade it in the first place. They didn't even attempt to change the script a little bit, everything was the same. It was very hard seeing Vince Vaughn's terrible try to being Norman. Like he was trying waay to hard. And usually I like Julianne Moore's acting, but damnit that smirk on her face when she saw Norman in his mother's clothes... I was like, What is an Emmy award winner doing screwing up a scene like that. Lila in the original was terrified, you saw that expression. But Julianne had more a smirk on her face instead of fear. She was probably holding in her laugh of Vince Vaughn in woman's clothes or something. The actors just tried to hard to be the originals. It wasn't even fun looking at that movie. So the original 4 are fun to watch multiple times. The Reamke is interesting to watch once, and maybe a second time 5 years later, but it's not good!!
Thanks for visiting my page. Tomorrow/Saturday and Sunday, I will be at Six Flags Holland (Fright Nights) for an entire weekend, so I will not be able to make a review. Just so you guys know. i will catch up on the reviews as soon as I am back. Thanks again for visiting my page :-D.
Day 18: Cabin in the Woods.
The Plot: The Plot is not like a typical horror slasher, as probably everyone thought by the title. It's something completely different. The Cabin in the Woods is a movie directed by Drew Goddard starring: One of my childhood's favourite actress. Anna Hutchison as Jules. Kristen Connolly as Dana. Chris Hemsworth as Curt. Fran Kranz as Marty. Jesse Williams as Holden. Richard Jenkins as Sitterson. Bradley Whitford as Hadley. The movie starts off with Bradley and Hadley talking. And then changes over to the teens of the movie. They are going to a cabin in the woods for a weekend. They ignore all the warnings, just like a typical slasher. While there, they are just fooling around being teens. Until they find stuff in the basement. Then the real horror can begin. So the whole movie is actually Sitterson and Hadley controlling everything that happens there by the cabin and everything around it. In the lab with a keyboard thingie. They have alot of people betting on who will die next. It's kind of weird. Sitterson has a specific order on how the teens have to die. Cause if it doesn't happen the way it is suppossed to, the god's or devil's (dont really know what they are) come up from under the ground and destroy everything alive. Kind of giving the audience a new way to look at slashers, that they all had to follow specific rules, in a way mocking all of the older slasher movies (That instead of trying something new, they went with the cliché's) But this movie explains it in an extremely laughable way, that just totally makes the movie. The last movie to actually make fun of cliché's was Scream and yet 16 years later The Cabin in the Woods comes along with a total extreme. It's an entertaining movie, and it has alot of wtf moments! I can't really explain it, as you guys see, I ain't doin a great job :p But that's cause this movie is pretty much impossible to explain, you just have to watch it yourself. The Cabin in the Woods, is a good movie, that did very good in the Box Office.
Personal Review: I personally did like this movie. But me being a slasher fan, do sometimes like the cliché's, Like with Friday the 13th, I watch all of them just to see the teens be killed. And it's already obvious who will die or not. But sometimes I don't really mind that. This movie does go a bit overboard, but it's defenitley creative. But you are never going to look at slashers like Friday the 13th, Halloween, My Bloody Valentine, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and many other movie the same. This movie really did mock the cliché's and did bring them over into a comedic spin. Like that the god's will destroy the earth if the virgin doesn't stay alive... you know it's shit like that that just makes this movie so goofy. It's creative. But, a one time watch is not enough as I still don't fully get it. :)
Day 19: Insidious (Original + Sequel)

The Plot: Insidious is a movie directed by James Wan (Director of Saw and The Counjuring) Insidious 1 + 2 stars: Patrick Wilson as Josh. Rose Byrne as Renai. Ty Simpkins as Dalton. Andrew Astor as Foster. Lin Shaye as Elise. Leigh Whannell as Specs. Angus Sampson as Tucker. Barbara Hershey as Lorraine. Steve Coulter as Carl. But the story is about Josh and Renai's son (Dalton) falls into a deep unexplainable coma. 3 Months Pass, and Renai starts noticing Paranormal Activity. She warns Josh, and after it becomes to extreme they decide to move, where it starts all over again. Renai decides to call a specialist that could help her. Elise comes to help and soon finds out that It's not the house that's haunted but their son.They then soon realize they are dealing with something far more evil then they originally thought. It ends with a huge cliffhanger. And it all gets explained... well most of it in Insidious Chapter 2. The Original did great in the box office. And the sequel is also doing a great job!
Personal Review: I personally love Insidious I have watched it 4 times in 1 month. Insidious 2, just barely came out where I live, and am planning on going to see it soon in theaters. So, that's the reason I didn't explain much of Chapter 2. But since Insidious was such a great success I thought it atleast deserved a spot in my Halloween Horror Movie Countdown.
Day 20: Sinister
The Plot: Sinister is a movie Written and Directed by Scott Derrickson. Starring: Ethan Hawke as Ellison. Juliet Rylance as Tracy. James Ransone as Deputy 'So and So'. Michael Hall D'Addario as Trevor. Clare Foley as Ashley. The movie follows a Treu Crime writer Ellison, who decides to move into a new house with his family, not telling them that the house they just moved into, was the house where the murders of Ellison's new book is about. As Ellison progresses with information about his book. He finds a box in the attic. And see's Super 8 Films in there. He takes them to his office, and in a period of time watches them. Finding out that they are Snuff Films... Extremely Disutrbing Snuff Films, with no screams or anything, just haunting music that sticks with you for weeks. He deepens himself into the films and tries to find out everything about them and figures out that they all have a connection. A Connection that just brought his entire family in danger. The Box Office for this movie was great. 77 Million on a 3 Million Budget.
Personal Review: I love Sinister, I have watched it 3 times in a 3 Month time period. Which I kind of regret now, as I shouldn't ware it out, but it's just that good! It's scary! Jumpscares are great, and the story was put together perfectly. Can't really compare it to any other movie though. The Snuff Films in this movie, give you a really sick feeling in your stomach, probably the most disturbing films I have ever seen. Just a tip, when you do decide to watch it is Watch it in the Dark, Alone, In the middle of the night. With the volume up loud. Then you get the full expierence. It's a truly frightning film that never gets you a break. Not a movie for Beginners in Horror!!
Day 14: I Know What You Did Last Summer Trilogy

The Plot: All 3 Movies are drected by different directors (Jim Gillespie & Danny Cannon & Sylvain White) Starring: (2 of my All Time favourite actresses since a long time): Jennifer Love Hewitt as Julie, Sarah Michelle Gellar as Helen. Also starring: Freddi Prinze Jr. as Barry. Muse Watson as Ben Willis. Brandy Norwood as Karla. Mekhi Phifer. Brokke Nevin as Amber. David Paetkau as Colby. Torrey DeVitto as Zoe. K.C Clyde as Hafner. The Story in the original is about a group of friends accidently running someone over. And they dump his body in the ocean they decide to never talk about it again and make a pact to keep the secret till they die. But 1 summer later. Julie gets a message saying 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' and as the movie progresses the killer tries to kill them all 1 by 1. The sequel is a follow up to the original. And the third one is... well a follow up, but it has nothing to do with the other 2, as it is also made 8 years after the sequel was made.
Personal Review: They are all good, the last one of the trilogy had it's flaws but it was still good. The original was an effect of 'Scream', As it was the late 90's, the slasher genre was at an end. But then Scream came and brought it back to life, and a whole whirlwind of slashers came along. With I Know What You Did Last Summer being one of them. But the idea of this movie was pretty good. Not really used in the past, which was a great time to make a big entry to slashers like this. The Sequel was a good sequel, it didn't bring that much to the table. But it had Jennifer Love Hewitt in it, so that made it okay! The third movie was different, like it didn't make a big impression. But it was good enough. The way of filming was way cool! I loved it!! The Gore was also very good, espicially with Zoe's death. I was very impressed. Overall they are all really good that I would watch anyday. And somehow they all end with cliffhangers that don't get continued... but whatever they are all good anyways :-D.
Soon I will make a more detailed review about all 3 movies :-D.
Day 15: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise
The Plot: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a movie originally directed by Toby Hooper, who also directed the sequel. But after that it was all different directors (Jeff Burr, Kim Henkel, Marcus Nispel, Jonathan Liebesman & John Luessenhop) The Orginal Starred: Marilyn Burns as Sally. Allen Danziger as Jerry, Paul Partain as Franklin, William Vail as Kirk, Teri McMinn as Pam. Edwin Niel as Hitchhiker. Jim Siedow as 'Cook'. The Movies after the original they starred stars such as: Dennis Hopper as Lefty. Caroline Williams as Stretch. Kate Hodge as Michelle. Ken Foree as Benny. Viggo Mortensen as Tex. Renée Zellweger as Jenny. Matthew McConaughey as Vilmer. Jessica Biel as Erin. Jonathan Tucker as Morgan. Erica Leerhsen (One of my favourite actresses) as Pepper. Mike Vogel as Andy. Eric Balfour as Kemper. R. Lee Ermey as Hoyt. Jordana Brewster as Chrissie. Taylor Handley as Dean. Diora Baird as Bailey. Matt Bomer as Eric. Andrew Bryniarski as Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface). Alexandra Daddario as Heather. Trey Songz as Ryan. Scott Eastwood as Carl. Tania Raymonde as Nikki. Shaun Sipos as Darryl. But now to the story. The Original is based off of real life killer 'Ed Gein'. It's about 5 friends on a roadtrip have car trouble and decide to explore (Yeah, nowadays it's warn off already, since so many movies have that. But for it's time, it was acceptable) And wander into a Psychotic Family's home, where they then get killed 1 by 1. The sequel took a different direction, more into a comedic MOVIE instead of a disturbing gore flick. The third movie went in a completely different direction introducing a new family of psychopaths and leaving the Saywer behind. The Next Generation (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4) went into a total comedic spin. It started off pretty strong for a slasher. (Dumb teenagers go into a forest after driving away from prom) And slowly get killed of 1 by 1. The acting was not so good. And it felt a little too dumb, with making a wanna be female leatherface. I understand that it's a little more accurate to the true story. But talk about OVERACTING! Like seriously Leatherface went a little overboard with the carachter that just totally ruined that creepiness about him. So the Remake came in 2003. Where it went back to it's roots and mainly focused on the horror. Which it was, a good horror movie! That also introduced us to a new Psychotic family 'Hewitt'. The 2006 Prequel was a nice addition to the franchise. The acting was Outstanding! And it showed more of the psychotic Hewitt family. The 2013, was good. They couldn't really make a sequel to the remake because of the way it ended. And they couldn't make a prequel again. So they finally made the sequel that the Original 1974 classic deserved.
Personal Review: The Original will always stay my favourite without a doubt! The acting was strong, and it introduced us to what for many people is decades of entertainment. Following the Franchise. The Sequel was a bit weak. Too much thinking went into this sequel. That cave thingie the psycho's lived in with all the decorations, and them suddenly turning into what seemed like circus clowns instead of psychopaths didn't sit well with me. The acting was a little overdone. And usually I like Dennis Hopper but his acting was just terrible in this movie! Like seriously 'running into the psychotic family's hiding spot with a chainsaw and screaming nonsense (Like it was literally just yelling, nothing else but his obnoxious yelling while running... like who would do that!!!) But anyways I didnt like this one. The only good thing I can say is that, they worked with a HUGE budget which was also visable. The third one was a bit better but not even close to the original. The Next Generation was a joke. Besides they're being Renée Zellweger in it, it was a disaster, haha. It was just all over the place to a point where it just is too unbelievable. The Reamke was very much needed, to get that seriousness back to Leatherface. I really respected the Remake and really like it! It's scary + gory. The Prequel was also a really good one. i remember watching it when i was 10 alone in the dark at 2 o clock in the morning in Alaska :-D. Probably the most goriest movie I have ever watched. And a really dark and mean movie that just left you really uncomfortable. The 2013 sequel was a good movie!!! I went in with low expectations. But was very surprised!! It was what I call 'The Deserved Sequel to the Original' As it started where the original left off. Which was all the fans wanted to see. It made a nice twist to the series, making you root for Leatherface was a first. It was Nice Movie that I really really liked!!!
Soon I will make a more detailed review. With my personal ratings. Thanks for visiting my page, and stay tuned for tomorrow, cause that willl be a long review with a very popular Horror Franchise. :-D
Day 16: A Nightmare on Elm Street (Original + Sequels + Remake)

The Plot: A Nightmare on Elm Street is a 1984 film written and directed by horror master: Wes Craven. The original movie stars: Heather Langenkamp (One of my favourite actresses) as Nancy. Amanda Wyss as Tina. Jsu Garcia as Rod. John Saxon as Donald. Ronee Blakely as Marge. Robert Englund as Freddy Krueger. And a very young Johnny Depp as Glen. The sequels came along starring 3 of the original stars (Heather Langenkamp '1,3,7', John Saxon '1,3', Robert Englund '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', Jsu Garcia '1,7'.) The sequels starred: Mark Patton as Jesse. Kim Myers as Lisa. Patricia Arquette (One of my favourite actresses) as Kristin. Ken Sagoes as Kencaid. Rodney Eastman as Joey. Craig Wasson as Neil. Lisa Wilcox as Alice. Andras Jones as Rick. Danny Hassel as Dan. Kelly Jo Minter as Yvonne. Lisa Zane as Maggie. Lezlie Deane as Tracy. Tracy Middendorf (One of my favourite actresses). And now my ALL TIME Favourite actor, who also stars as a little boy in Pet Semetary, Kindergarten Cop, Full House, Mercury Rising and more recent ones such as Remains. It's MIKO HUGHES as Dylan :-D. Monica Keena as Lori. Jason Ritter as Will. Kelly Rowland as Kia. Katharina Isabelle (One of my favourite actresses) as Gibb. The Remake stars: Kyle Gallner (One of my favourite actors) as Quentin. Rooney Mara as Nancy. Thomas Dekker as Jesse. Kellen Lutz as Dean. Katie Cassidy (Top 3 favourite actresses) as Kris. But now onto the main plot. The original was a movie directed and written by Wes Craven. It took alot of begging, but finally New Line Cinema accepted his offer. And went along and made the film with a low budget, not expecting much. But little did they know. It was the beginning of one of the greatest successes in Hollywood history. It's about a group of teenagers who are having nightmares all about the same man. And they find out if you die in your dreams, then you die in real life. So Freddy Krueger a Child Killer (Remake = Child Molester) Wants revenge on the people who burned him alive. He takes his rage out in their kids' dreams. Nancy figures out how to kill him. And it works... for then. The sequel came along 1 year later. Taking a complete different direction, by having a possesion plot instead of a slasher plot. Many didn't really like it! A third movie came, which what many say is the best in the series. It didn't do to great in the box office as the original sequel wasn't liked people didn't take the energy to look at the third one, even though Wes Craven returned to direct it. The Fourth one was a little back and fourth some liked it, some hated it. It's just what you're type of horror is. The fifth one came along with a pretty interesting concept. Freddy stalking Alice by using Alice's unborn child (So in the stomach) for the dummies out there that didn't get it. The Sixth one came along, and turned the franchise into a complete mess. By using a complete comedic touch to it. Many people gave up after this movie as it wasn't liked at all. So 3 years later. Wes Craven came back to write and direct one last movie. Wes Craven's New Nightmare. It was a masterpiece. Many people loved it. It brought Freddy back to it's dark roots. It gave it a movie within a movie feel. Heather Langenkamp also returned which many people loved! And ofcourse her cute little son Dylan (Miko Hughes. My favourite Actor ever) This movie is hard to explain as you actually have to see it to get it! But Freddy tries to come into the real world. And he uses Heather's son as a gateway to the real world. It's an interesting concept, and it really worked, as it is for many people their favourite of the series. 2003 came along and Freddy vs Jason was released. It was really liked by alot. As they were excited that 2 of the biggest horror icons were finally batteling it out. The Box Office for this movie was crazy. And the amount of money Robert Englund got with this movie was as much as the whole entire budget was in the first film. 7 years later a remake was made, It was also not very liked by many people. Infact many people hated it! Mainly because of the 2 dimensional carachters. And that they switched Freddy into a Child Molester instead of a Child Killer. The Special Effects and the quality were better then any othe rin the series. But that was mainly cause of the time period it was made. But storywise it's pretty much a mess compared to the original. It gives a bit more backstory on Freddy then the original did. But because they switched FReddy into a whole different person in this movie. people were automaticially not very interested.
Personal Review: I love all of the movies besides the 6th one. The Original is a really good movie, just a masterpiece, nothing else needs to be said. It's fantastic! The sequel on the otherhand wasn't liked. It was a different approach which I could respect that they wanted to try something new. As a kid I always skipped it, pretty much tried to ignore it, act like it didn't exsist. But now that I am older. I get the story more, and see it as it is. So I like it better now, and I do include it with my Nightmare on Elm Street marathons, which I used to not do. The Third one, was as a child my all time favourite movie. I just loved it! I remember always renting that particular one at the video store. I watched it so much times! For some reason i always had butterfly in my stomach when I was a kid seeing this movie, haha kind of weird. But I just really loved it! And it also brought Heather Langenkamp and John Saxon back! :-D And the fourth one, I also respect, it's not as good. But it's okay. I like that it featured the survivors of the third movie. And I like that the fifth one featured the survivors of the fourth movie. I always though the fifth one was kind of weird, as a kid, and still to this day. I like it. But it's different, maybe with that whole concept of Freddy using the babies dreams to get to Alice... I don't know, all I know is that I like it, and always will. Even though the comic book scene was stupid!! And I am going to skip the sixth one, as I dont have enough time to rant about it, just read my persoal review by the Messengers 2: Scarecrow, there you can see how I felt about this movie! It didnt have much cliché's, and people did die! Whcih was good. But it was the whole story. Like freaking pulling someone into a cheerful colorful video game.... like seriously?? Johnny Depp made an appearance in this movie which was cool. But for the rest it sucked, ever little bit of it sucked. And from now on, I just skip this freaking movie as I just don't like it. Wes Craven's New Nightmare is my all time favourite movie, i have watched it more than 30 times since I was little to now. Like every month I atleast watch it once. Mainly cause of Miko Hughes!! And I also like Nancy and Julie. The movie overall is just a masterpiece, they really made a HUGE comback from the pit it was driven in after the sixth movie. So I was just extremely happy that this revived the series and gave it the end it deserved. Thank god for Wes Craven! Freddy vs Jason... it's a decnt movie. not really my favourite, but it's okay. The remake, even though it has all the hate towards it, I personally kind of like it. i don't like what they did to Freddy, changing him into a Molester instead of a Killer. That just ruins the creepiness and just increases the awkwardness! The actors were not at their best. I really liked Kyle Gallner and Katie Cassidy, as I always like their work. But if it wasnt for them, i would have liked this movie that much. And that scene with Dean in the café was pretty badass! I love that scene! And with Kris being smashed through the room is also badass.
Soon I will make a longer review with more details to explain the movies and more what I thought of the movie separately instead of all together. With my Personal Rating.
Day 17: Psycho (Quadrilogy + Remake)

The Plot: Psycho is a classic Horror film directed by the legendary Alfred Hitchcock, based offo of real life killer 'Ed Gein' The same killer Texas Chainsaw Massacre is based off of. Psycho Stars: Anthony Perkins (One of my favourite actors) as Norman Bates. Janet Leigh (One of my favourite Actresses) as Marion. Vera Miles as Lila. John Gavin as Sam. Martin Balsam as Arbogast. The sequels following starred Anthony Perkins in all 4 movies. And Vera Miles was in the sequel. It also starred: Meg Tilly as Mary. Robert Loggia as Dr. Bill Raymond. Diana Scarwid as Maureen. Henry Thomas as Young Norman Bates (IV: The Beginning = Prequel), Olivia Hussey as Norma Bates. The Remake starred: Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates. Anne Heche as Marion. Viggo Mortenson as Sam. Julianne Moore as Lila. But now to the actual story. Psycho, for it's time was a terryfing movie. It was a good movie!! To this day it is the most popular horror movies out there. With the infamous shower scene. It's about Marion a secretary stelas 40.000 from her employers cliënt. And decides to take off. While she is on the run, she needs a place to stay for the night. She sees the Bates Motel from a distance and decides to stay their for the night. As soon as she pulls up. Norman isn't there. She see's shadows moving behind the curtains in the house on top of the hill. She honks her horn. And a minute later Norman comes running up. They talk. And decide to have dinner together. Norman goes inside to tell his 'mother' the mother doesn't agree and yells at him, about that he shouldn't be hanging out with girls. Marion hears the 'argument' between them. So Norman brings the food to the Motel instead. And after dinner. Marion decides to take a shower. And than the 'mother' stabs Marion to death in the shower. And then runs away. A few moments later you hear Norman yelling 'Mother, blood, blood' And runs to Marion motel room. And fins her stabbed to death. And as any loyal son would do to protect their mother. He dumps any evidence of Marion even being there in the swamp. A few days later Marion is reported missing. Det. Arbogast decides to search for Marion at the Bates Motel. While there he gets killed by the mother. And later Lila (Marion's sister) and Sam (Marion's boyfriend) get wooried and decide to take a quick look themselves at the Bates Motel. And while there Lila finds the mother in the basement staring at the wall. Lila slowly walks up to Norma. She turns the chair, and it's the skeleton of Norma. And behind her she sees Norman dressed up in his mother's clothes with a Kitchen Knife. Sam and Lila just barely escape. It ends with Norman being in custody. And shows him smiling, still thinking he is the mother. So it was a hell of a movie back then, this movie was worldwide succesful. Janet Leigh, Alfred Hitchcock and Anthony Perkins became world stars. Janet Leigh is to this day one of the most famous actresses. Even though she passed away in 2004. A classic like Psycho, will forever have an effect on the world. And is a MAJOR chapter in Horror History. Pretty much the start of the Slasher genre. The sequel came 23 years after the original. It was about Norman readjusting to life after being in a psychiatric hospital for 23 years. He returns to the Bates Motel and tries to make a living. He slowly gets paranoid, and cuts himself from the rest of the world. With Lila from the first film with Mary, her daughter. Trying to frame Norman. By making phonecalls claiming to be his mother. And dressing up as his mother. But slowly the audience finds out he isnt tricked by Lila and Mary. But by another unknown woman who really claims to be his mother. He trusts her. And the ending, left people begging for a Part 3. And yet 3 years later Psycho 3 came out. Being a follow up to Psycho 2. It's also played 3 days after the events of Psycho 2. Psycho 3, ended up not quite being what the audience expected. It was a bit of a letdown. As it turned more into a typical teenage slasher film instead of staying loyal to the previous 2 films. The fourth Psycho wasn't theatrically released due to the poor income of Psycho 3. So it was a straight to video movie. It forgets the events of 2 and 3. And starts up with Norman talking with a radio station over the radio. About Children that killed their mother. It's a blast to the past for Norman as he relives everything from his childhood, and it gives us more background on to what made Norman how he is. It's in a way a prequel. The Remake is a shot by shot remake of the original. So I am not going to go into detail as I already explained it to it's fullest.
Personal Review: I personally love all of them. The original was just such a good movie. It is still terrifying to this day. And it will forever be a loved classic that will never be forgotten. The acting was Outstanding. The sequel was a nice addition, I personally liked it. It really had that typical 80's gore. When you see it, you'll get it. The third movie. Wasn't all that well. It hardly took place in the house, and took more place in the motel. And the charachters in the movie... ugh don't even get me started, it really felt like a Friday the 13th movie or something, which just doesn't work for Psycho. The only good thing about this movie was Anthony Perkins :-D. The fourth movie (Prequel) was interesting, I liked seeing the backstory. Now with the Bates Motel tv series with all thos epopular actor sin it, the Prequel to the original will probably be forgotten. As Bates Motel is doing a fantastic job and is already with a second season. People most likely won't want to watch a prequel to something that doesn't match with the prequel that's on tv (Bates Motel) But it's a good movie, I personally like it. And then there was the remake.... ugh, what were they thinking.. A SHOT BY SHOT remake of a freaking classic. They shouldnt have even remade it in the first place. They didn't even attempt to change the script a little bit, everything was the same. It was very hard seeing Vince Vaughn's terrible try to being Norman. Like he was trying waay to hard. And usually I like Julianne Moore's acting, but damnit that smirk on her face when she saw Norman in his mother's clothes... I was like, What is an Emmy award winner doing screwing up a scene like that. Lila in the original was terrified, you saw that expression. But Julianne had more a smirk on her face instead of fear. She was probably holding in her laugh of Vince Vaughn in woman's clothes or something. The actors just tried to hard to be the originals. It wasn't even fun looking at that movie. So the original 4 are fun to watch multiple times. The Reamke is interesting to watch once, and maybe a second time 5 years later, but it's not good!!
Thanks for visiting my page. Tomorrow/Saturday and Sunday, I will be at Six Flags Holland (Fright Nights) for an entire weekend, so I will not be able to make a review. Just so you guys know. i will catch up on the reviews as soon as I am back. Thanks again for visiting my page :-D.
Day 18: Cabin in the Woods.
The Plot: The Plot is not like a typical horror slasher, as probably everyone thought by the title. It's something completely different. The Cabin in the Woods is a movie directed by Drew Goddard starring: One of my childhood's favourite actress. Anna Hutchison as Jules. Kristen Connolly as Dana. Chris Hemsworth as Curt. Fran Kranz as Marty. Jesse Williams as Holden. Richard Jenkins as Sitterson. Bradley Whitford as Hadley. The movie starts off with Bradley and Hadley talking. And then changes over to the teens of the movie. They are going to a cabin in the woods for a weekend. They ignore all the warnings, just like a typical slasher. While there, they are just fooling around being teens. Until they find stuff in the basement. Then the real horror can begin. So the whole movie is actually Sitterson and Hadley controlling everything that happens there by the cabin and everything around it. In the lab with a keyboard thingie. They have alot of people betting on who will die next. It's kind of weird. Sitterson has a specific order on how the teens have to die. Cause if it doesn't happen the way it is suppossed to, the god's or devil's (dont really know what they are) come up from under the ground and destroy everything alive. Kind of giving the audience a new way to look at slashers, that they all had to follow specific rules, in a way mocking all of the older slasher movies (That instead of trying something new, they went with the cliché's) But this movie explains it in an extremely laughable way, that just totally makes the movie. The last movie to actually make fun of cliché's was Scream and yet 16 years later The Cabin in the Woods comes along with a total extreme. It's an entertaining movie, and it has alot of wtf moments! I can't really explain it, as you guys see, I ain't doin a great job :p But that's cause this movie is pretty much impossible to explain, you just have to watch it yourself. The Cabin in the Woods, is a good movie, that did very good in the Box Office.
Personal Review: I personally did like this movie. But me being a slasher fan, do sometimes like the cliché's, Like with Friday the 13th, I watch all of them just to see the teens be killed. And it's already obvious who will die or not. But sometimes I don't really mind that. This movie does go a bit overboard, but it's defenitley creative. But you are never going to look at slashers like Friday the 13th, Halloween, My Bloody Valentine, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and many other movie the same. This movie really did mock the cliché's and did bring them over into a comedic spin. Like that the god's will destroy the earth if the virgin doesn't stay alive... you know it's shit like that that just makes this movie so goofy. It's creative. But, a one time watch is not enough as I still don't fully get it. :)
Day 19: Insidious (Original + Sequel)

The Plot: Insidious is a movie directed by James Wan (Director of Saw and The Counjuring) Insidious 1 + 2 stars: Patrick Wilson as Josh. Rose Byrne as Renai. Ty Simpkins as Dalton. Andrew Astor as Foster. Lin Shaye as Elise. Leigh Whannell as Specs. Angus Sampson as Tucker. Barbara Hershey as Lorraine. Steve Coulter as Carl. But the story is about Josh and Renai's son (Dalton) falls into a deep unexplainable coma. 3 Months Pass, and Renai starts noticing Paranormal Activity. She warns Josh, and after it becomes to extreme they decide to move, where it starts all over again. Renai decides to call a specialist that could help her. Elise comes to help and soon finds out that It's not the house that's haunted but their son.They then soon realize they are dealing with something far more evil then they originally thought. It ends with a huge cliffhanger. And it all gets explained... well most of it in Insidious Chapter 2. The Original did great in the box office. And the sequel is also doing a great job!
Personal Review: I personally love Insidious I have watched it 4 times in 1 month. Insidious 2, just barely came out where I live, and am planning on going to see it soon in theaters. So, that's the reason I didn't explain much of Chapter 2. But since Insidious was such a great success I thought it atleast deserved a spot in my Halloween Horror Movie Countdown.
Day 20: Sinister
The Plot: Sinister is a movie Written and Directed by Scott Derrickson. Starring: Ethan Hawke as Ellison. Juliet Rylance as Tracy. James Ransone as Deputy 'So and So'. Michael Hall D'Addario as Trevor. Clare Foley as Ashley. The movie follows a Treu Crime writer Ellison, who decides to move into a new house with his family, not telling them that the house they just moved into, was the house where the murders of Ellison's new book is about. As Ellison progresses with information about his book. He finds a box in the attic. And see's Super 8 Films in there. He takes them to his office, and in a period of time watches them. Finding out that they are Snuff Films... Extremely Disutrbing Snuff Films, with no screams or anything, just haunting music that sticks with you for weeks. He deepens himself into the films and tries to find out everything about them and figures out that they all have a connection. A Connection that just brought his entire family in danger. The Box Office for this movie was great. 77 Million on a 3 Million Budget.
Personal Review: I love Sinister, I have watched it 3 times in a 3 Month time period. Which I kind of regret now, as I shouldn't ware it out, but it's just that good! It's scary! Jumpscares are great, and the story was put together perfectly. Can't really compare it to any other movie though. The Snuff Films in this movie, give you a really sick feeling in your stomach, probably the most disturbing films I have ever seen. Just a tip, when you do decide to watch it is Watch it in the Dark, Alone, In the middle of the night. With the volume up loud. Then you get the full expierence. It's a truly frightning film that never gets you a break. Not a movie for Beginners in Horror!!
Day 21: Child's Play (Chucky) Franchise.
The Plot: Child's Play is a movie directed by Tom Holland. Starring: Alex Vincent as Andy. Catherine Hicks as Karen. Chris Sarandon as Mike. Brad Dourif as Charles Lee Ray/ (voice of) Chucky. The sequels were directed by all different directors such as: John Lafia. Jack Bender. Ronny Yu. Don Mancini (Who also wrote all of the movies). The sequels starred: Yet again Alex Vincent as Andy, and Brad Dourif as Charles Lee Ray/ (voice of) Chucky. Also featuring: Jenny Agutter as Joanne. Gerrit Graham as Phil. Christine Elise (One of my favourite actresses) as Kyle. Justin Whalin as Teenage Andy. Perrey Reeves as De Silva. Jeremy Sylvers as Tyler. Jennifer Tilly as Tiffany and herself. Katherine Heigl as Jade. Nick Stabile as Jesse. Billy Boyd as (voice of) Glen/Glenda. Redman as Himself. Hannah Spearritt as Joan. Fiona Dourif as Nica. Chantal Quesnelle as Sarah. Danielle Bisutti as Barb. A Martinez as Frank. Maitland McConnell as Jill. Brennan Elliot. The Original is about a little boy Andy, who gets a Good Guy Doll for his Birthday. But as soon as he gets the doll, terrible stuff start to happen. And before he knows it he is in a battle to stay alive. The second and third movie follows Andy, the little boy from the original being stalked by Chucky again. The fourth installment focuses more on Chucky. Bride of Chucky. Chucky and Tiffany just goin around killin people. The seed of Chucky. Chucky has a kid, who doesn't like killing. So Chucky and Tiffany decide to teach they're kid how to kill people. And then there's the Curse of Chucky which came out just a few weeks ago. The first movie to not have a Theatrical Release due to poor income from Seed of Chucky. The Curse of Chucky, goes back to it's dark roots, and shows Chucky and his dark side again. They are all good movies, which made Chucky to what he is today, a Horror Icon. Everybody knows Chucky. :-D
Personal Review: I love the original, it's creepy and exciting. The Second one, I love even more, I used to watch Child's Play 2 soo much times when I was little, I loved it so much, and still do! Child's Play 3, is not really my favourite, it sure has it's scares, it's just the setting and everything just felt a bit off. And the ending wasn't satisfying! Bride of Chucky, was okay. It for sure isn't my favourite, but I still like it. Seed of Chucky though... that's a whole other story, this is just terrible, its a straight up Comedy, no Horror is involved. I was very dissapointed. But the Curse of Chucky was a bit of fresh air for the Franchise, it was good! And Fiona Dourif who is the daughter of Brad Dourif (Chucky) in real life. But her acting was amazing, she really made a big impression, probably the best acting in a Chucky Movie! I did find myself a bit frustarated at times watching the Curse of Chucky, and didn't feel satisfied. But, it was the scene after the credits, that made up for the poor ending. Andy Barclay, the little boy from the original, all grown up, to fight Chucky one last time!! It was so cool, to see him all grown up!! Overall I liked all the movies besides Seed of Chucky being a bit less. Soon I will give a more detailed review with Personal Rating :-D.
Day 22: Paranormal Activity Quadrilogy
The Plot: Paranormal Activity is a movie directed and written by Oren Peli. Starring: Katie Featherston as Katie. Micah Slot as Micah. The sequels were directed by different directors such as: Tod Williams. Henry Joost. Ariel Schulman. Starring: Katie Featherson again and other stars such as: Brian Boland as Daniel. Molly Ephraim as Ali. Seth Ginsberg as Brad. Sprague Grayden as Kristi. Lauren Bittner as Julie. Chris Smith as Dennis. Chloe Csengery as Young Katie. Jessica Brown as Young Kristi. Kathryn Newton as Alex. Matt Shively as Ben. Aiden Lovekamp as Wyatt. Brady Allen as Robbie. The Original is about a couple moving into a new house, and slowly start to notice Paranormal Activity, they film everything. Katie slowly gets possessed, until there's nothing anyone can do to help her. The Sequels are all just backstories and contuations of the Original. Like the Second Installment begins as a Prequel and ends as a Follow up to the Original. The Third Installment is a Prequel that show's Katie and Kristi as children. And the Fourth Installment is not so much focused on Katie and Kristi anymore but more on the son of Kristi, that was kidnapped by Katie in the sequel. So Katie and Kristi's son (Hunter) move across the street of Alex, and it shows how Hunter stalks the family of Alex. And the demon's he possesses. The Fifth.... well let's just say the Marked Ones is coming out in January, it's pretty much an alone standing movie, not much to do with the other 4. But All the movies did great in the box office, and the series still has a huge fan base, that are begging for more.
Personal Review: I personally liked the original better. The sequel was okay, not to spectacular. The third one, was creepy. But a little too unbelievable, because in 1 and 2, they didn't really mention much about their childhood, just little parts, where you could kind of figure out that they already noticed something back then. But it was a little too extreme to a point where you think 'How could they have forgotten that, to not mention it in 1 and 2' So that pretty much shows they made it up on the spot. It's a nice Prequel but it's kind of out of nowhere. I personally don't like Movie Franchise's that do that. That 1 in Prequel they all of a sudden mention and show stuff that wasn't even mentioned in the others. So but I think you guys get my point. And now onto the Fourth Installment. The Fourth one, was different, as it didn't show Katie or Kristi that much. I liked it that they continued with the Whole Kidnapping plot that the second one ended with, and that it showed how Katie and Hunter moved on. But storywise, it didn't bring much to the table. Besides continuing the story of Hunter, but for the rest pretty much nothing. They were all good and enjoyable. I am kind of excited for the Marked Ones, but there aren't gonna be any High Expectations for me with that one. Paranormal Activity 5, comes out late 2014. Which continues the story of Katie.
Day 23: Grave Encounters (Original + Sequel)
The Plot: Grave Encounters is a movie directed by The Vicious Brothers. And the sequel being directed by John Poliquin. The Original Starred: Ben Wilkinson as Jerry. Sean Rogerson as Lance. Ashleigh Gryzko as Sasha. Merwin Mondesir as T.C. Juan Riedinger as Matt. The sequel starred: Richard Harmon as Alex. Dylan Playfair as Trevor. Stephanie Bennett as Tessa. Howie Lai as Jared. Leanne Lapp as Jennifer. The original is about a Ghost Hunting crew that goes and investagates in Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital, which has been abandonned for years. And soon they find themselves locked in the building, and everything evil inside it. The sequel shows fans of the movie breaking into the Hospital to take a look for themselves, and also find themselves locked in. But ofcourse the Makers of the movie wanted something new, so they took the Fantasy route, and made it into something way different then the original, which some people lvoed and other people hated.
Personal Review: I remember the original freaking me out the first time I watched it. I was very excited for the sequel, I was a bit let down. it didn't quite live up to the Original. But I appreciated the attempt to change it around. They are overall good movies that you guys should watch!
Thanks for visiting my page. I will be fully updated by tonight or tomorrow. i know I promised it yesterday... but ofcourse I found a little Homework I still needed to make.... But I will be caught up before Halloween, that's for sure!!!
Day 24: The Shining
Day 24: The Shining
The Plot: The Shining is a movie directed by Stanley Kubrick and written by the Horror King 'Stephen King'. Starring: Jack Nicholson as Jack. Shelly Duvall as Wendy. Danny Llyod as Danny. Scatman Crothers as Dick. The plot is about Jack, a man with a troubled past gets a job as care taker at the Overlook Hotel, which is closed for the Winter. Him and his Wife + Son, move to the Overlook Hotel for the winter, while there, an evil precense starts to possess Jack. And Danny starts seeing apparitions of dead people. Soon Jack snaps and tries to kill his family. The Shining is a classic, to this day many people say that this is the scariest movie to ever be made. It did great in the Box Office too. And now that Stephen King wrote a sequel, who knows... maybe we'll see Danny as a grown up on the Big Screen soon!
Personal Review: I love this movie, It is one of my favourite movies. Everything about it is scary. The Music, the setting. It just gives you chills. Jack Nicholson's acting was very good, probably the best acting in a horror movie. It was very good. This movie will always be in my favourites, I just can't get enough of it! :-D
Day 25: The Exorsism of Emily Rose

The Plot: The Exorsism of Emily Rose is a movie directed by Scott Derrickson starring: Laura Linney as Erin. Tom Wilkinson as Moore. Campbell Scott as Ethan. Jennifer Carpenter (One of my favourite actresses) as Emily. Colm Feore as Karl. Joshua Close as Jason. The plot is about a lawyer taking on a case about a preist perofrming an exorsism that went terribly wrong. The priest is accused of murder. Throughout the movie it often shows 3 things. Mostly the hearing. It occasionally shows Flashbacks of how Emily's possession grew. And then it shows sometimes how much the case is messing with the lawyer's head. This movie got alot of positive reviews. As it isn't a typical possession movie. It is not trying to be The Exorsist or any other possesion movie. It's an original piece of work, that can only be used once. So it's very unieke. It was perfectly paced, and the story pulled you in right away. The Box Office did great with this movie. It is a loved movie and always will be.
Personal Review: I personally love this movie. It's creative, it doesn't feel like a copycat of any other movies. It's it's own movie. The acting was extremely good, Oscar worthy. It was just an extremely well made movie, that was exciting and scary and fun at the same time. It's a movie that I will always love!
Sorry guys, I won't be able to do Day 27-28 or 29 today, as school is in the way. But I will make sure that I have them tomorrow, and this is a promise! But for now I have Day 26 up.
Day 26: Wrong Turn Franchise

The Plot: Wrong Turn is a movie directed by Rob Schmidt starring: Desmond Harrington as Chris. Eliza Dushku as Jessie. Emmanuelle Chriqui as Carly. Kevin Zegers as Evan. Lindy Booth as Francine. Julian Richings as Three Finger. Ted Clark as One Eye. Gary Robbins as Garry Robbins as Saw Tooth. The Sequels were directed by different producers such as: Joe Lynch (2), Declan O'Brein (3-4-5). Starring: Erica Leehrsen (One of my favourite actresses) as Nina. Henry Rollins as Dale. Texas Battle (One of my favourite Actors) as Jake. Aleksa Palladino as Mara. Daniella Alonso as Amber. Steve Braun as Jonesy. Matthew Currie Holmes as M. Crystal Lowe as Elena. Tom Frederic as Nate. Janet Montgomery as Alex. Gil Kolirin as Floyd. Christian Contreras as Willy. Jennifer Pudavick as Kenia. Tenika Davis as Sara. Kaitlyn Leeb as Bridget. Terra Vnesa as Jenna. Dean Armstrong as Daniel. Victor Zinck Jr. as Kyle. Doug Bradley as Maynard. Camilla Arfwedson as Angela. Simon Ginty as Billy. Roxanne McKee as Lita. Paul Luebke as Gus. Oliver Hoare as Julian. The Original is about Chris, on his way to a meeting for work stuck in a traffic jam. He decides to turn around and take a different route. While taking that different route he accidentley crashes into a group of stranger's car, as there tires were flat due to barbed wire. 4 of the people decide to look for some help, while the other 2 stay by the cars and get killed, by sadistic disfigured cannibals who have been in-breeding for generations long. Who are also after the other 4 people who left the cars. The sequel, was a big hit, even though it didn't make the big screen, many people liked it. The third installment was a step down from the other 2. Alot of people felt dissapointed as there were to many men who were all 1 dimensional assholes. But seen the circumstances, it's understandable, but alot of people still didn't like it. The Fourth Installment, wasn't liked either due to poor acting and stupid descisions made by the charachters. The Fifth installment, was liked a bit more than 3 and 4. This movie focused more on the Gore factor, more so then the other ones which were already gory. Overall they are good films, with a few flwas here and there. But the fanbase is still big, and alot of people still have hope in the Franchise.
Personal Review: I personally love all the movies they all have gore, which I personally like now and then. Alot of people say that there are to much Wrong Turns, but I would personally love to see some more Wrong Turn's. I loved the original, they had very good actors! The sequel, also had very good and famous actors in it, I personally liked it, but not as much as the original. The third installment, was a bit of a let down to me. There were just too much men!! The Fourth installment I personally loved alot, I loved the change of scenery... but I have to agree the acting in this movie has to probably be the weakest of all 5. But the plot was very cool, and I just loved the scenery it was amazing!! The Fifth installment, was also a very good one, the scene where one of the cannibals was playing with the girls insides. It had a few shocking and cruel deaths, that stepped up compared to the other ones. And I liked the scenery in this one to. I love all the wrong turns, and always will love them. Tomorrow I will be fully caught up with the dates, that I promise you guys. Thanks for visiting my page :-D.
Day 31: Halloween Franchise.

I am mixing up the Plot and Personal Revie wup this time, probably something I will do more in the future. But maybe not, still have to decidee, but thought I would try it out this one time. :-D Hope you like it.
The Plot/Personal Review: Halloween is a classic movie directed by John Carpenter. Starring big stars such as Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie. Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis. It also starred: Nancy Kyes as Annie. P.J. Soles as Lynda. Charles Cyphers as Sheriff Brackett. Kyle Richards as Lindsey. Brian Andrews as Tommy. Nancy Stephens as Marion. The sequels starred Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie 3 more times. Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis 4 more times. Nancy Stephens as Marion 2 more times. The sequels were all directed by different directors (Rick Rosenthal (2), Tommy Lee Wallace (3). Dwight H. Little (4), Dominique Othenin-Girard (5), Joe Chappelle (6), Steve Miner (7), Rick Rosenthall (8), And my favourite Director 'Rob Zombie' (R1, 2). The sequels starring: Lance Guest as Jimmy. Pamala Susan Shoop as Karen. Ana Alicia as Janet. Tom Atkins as Daniel. Stacey Nelkin as Ellie. Dan O'Herilhy as Cochran. Jonathan Terry as Starker. Danielle Harris (My top 5 favourite actresses) as Jamie. Ellie Cornell (One of my favourite actresses) as Rachel. Kathleen Kinmont as Kelly. Sasha Jenson as Brady. Wendy Foxworth as Tina. Tamara Glynn as Samantha. Matthew Walker as Spitz. Jeffrey Landman as Billy. Paul Rudd as Adult Tommy. Marianne Hagan as Kara. Kim Darby as Debra. Mariah 'O Brien as Beth. Susan Swift as Mary. J.C. Brandy as Adult Jamie. Davin Gardner as Danny. Adam Arkin as Will. Michelle Williams as Molly. Adam Hann-Byrd as Charlie. Jody Lynn O'Keefe as Sarah. LL Cool J as Ronny. Josh Hartnett as John. And believe it or not, Psycho classic Janet Leigh (one of my favourite actresses) as Norma. Bianca Kajlich as Sara. Sean Patrick Thomas as Rudy. Daisy McCrackin as Donna. Katee Sackhoff as Jen. Tyra Banks as Nora. The Remake + sequel starred: Maclom McDowell as Dr. Loomis (1,2). Brad Dourif as Sheriff Brackett. Tyler Mane as Michael Myers. Daeg Faerch as Young Michael Myers. Sheri Moon Zombie (Top 5 Favourite actresses) as Deborah. Hanna Hall as Judith. Kristina Klebe as Lynda. Scout Taylor Compton (One of my favourite actresses) as Laurie. Danielle Harris (Who was also in Halloween 4 and 5 as Jamie now plays Annie. + My Top 5 Favourite Actresses). Anglea Trimbir as Harley. Brea Grant as Mya. The plot is about a young boy (6 years old) killing his sister with a kitchen knife. 20 years later he escapes a mental asylum and makes his way back to Haddonfield to kill the last of his bloodline 'Laurie Strode'. The sequel shows more of Laurie on the same night of the original. The third installment had nothing to do with Michael Myers, so I wont go into it that much. Let's just say it's not as bad as everyone says, but it's also not the best. But it's better then Halloween Resurrection, thats for sure! The fourth insallment informs the fans that Laurie has been killed off. But that there is Jamie Llyod. The daughter of Laurie. Michael has been in a come for 10 years and then wakes up, and makes his way back to Haddonfield to kill the Last of his bloodline 'Jamie Lloyd'. The Fifth installment is again about Jamie. Very comparable to the fourth one.... besides that Jamie is a mute for some reason. But whatever on to the sixth one. The sixth one shows more backstory on the 'cult' Michael is in, and that Michael has a curse hanging over him until he kills his entire bloodline... or something like that. The story was messed up in this, and I personally don't really care about the story while watching this. I usually watch this for the kickass strobe effect. And awesome death scenes! H20, Forgets 3-4-5-6. And shows Laurie Strode 20 years from the second installment. She has a new identity, hoping to forget about Michael... until he returns. Resurrection on the other hand..... damn, so bad! It shows Michael killing Laurie in the opening scene, and then making his way back to his house in haddonfield..... where ofcourse a reality show episode is being filmed with the typical 21st century type cast. An introverted girl, who always survives. The slut, the attention hogger, the nerd, the pervert.... like it's just way to stupid and to top it off they have a lame ass ending. They should have ended it with H20. They got carried away, just to impress the younger audience.... yeah... thats how fucking desperate they were. To mess with a classic, just to satisfy brain dead, unwise little brats.... great! I don't like Resurrection at all. I respect the classics. And would choose those any day compared to the newer ones. But so in a way this is already my personal review. But now onto the remake. The remake, gave ALOT more insight on Michael's past. Some people say they should to much, some say they wanted more and some said it was perfect. i thought it was perfect. Just enough insight to get Michael and feel sympathy for him. The rest of the movie is pretty much just a remake of the original. The sequel to the remake. Alot of people hate it, but I love it. It's one of my favourite movies of all time. They showed the disturbed hallucianations that lead a psychopath to do crazy shit, which I personally respected.... and you got to see more Sheri Moon Zombie cause of it... :-D. And they show the psychological side to it, like the events of the first movie really fucked Laurie up. And shows Laurie slowly becoming psychotic because of a psycic link she has with her brother 'Michael Myers'. People often don't see this movie as it is. They always follow the herd, and say it's bad without giving it a fair chance. I watched it really for what it was, and forgot about all the negative reviews. And I loved it, it's one of my favourites and always will be. But I do have to say it's a very dark and depressing movie, that is pretty much only suited for the real horror fans. Overall I like all the movies alot beside Ressurection, or however you write it. So thanks for reading my reviews, and I will be back very soon with more horror/thriller/paranormal movies. :-D Stay tuned!

The Plot: The Exorsism of Emily Rose is a movie directed by Scott Derrickson starring: Laura Linney as Erin. Tom Wilkinson as Moore. Campbell Scott as Ethan. Jennifer Carpenter (One of my favourite actresses) as Emily. Colm Feore as Karl. Joshua Close as Jason. The plot is about a lawyer taking on a case about a preist perofrming an exorsism that went terribly wrong. The priest is accused of murder. Throughout the movie it often shows 3 things. Mostly the hearing. It occasionally shows Flashbacks of how Emily's possession grew. And then it shows sometimes how much the case is messing with the lawyer's head. This movie got alot of positive reviews. As it isn't a typical possession movie. It is not trying to be The Exorsist or any other possesion movie. It's an original piece of work, that can only be used once. So it's very unieke. It was perfectly paced, and the story pulled you in right away. The Box Office did great with this movie. It is a loved movie and always will be.
Personal Review: I personally love this movie. It's creative, it doesn't feel like a copycat of any other movies. It's it's own movie. The acting was extremely good, Oscar worthy. It was just an extremely well made movie, that was exciting and scary and fun at the same time. It's a movie that I will always love!
Sorry guys, I won't be able to do Day 27-28 or 29 today, as school is in the way. But I will make sure that I have them tomorrow, and this is a promise! But for now I have Day 26 up.
Day 26: Wrong Turn Franchise

The Plot: Wrong Turn is a movie directed by Rob Schmidt starring: Desmond Harrington as Chris. Eliza Dushku as Jessie. Emmanuelle Chriqui as Carly. Kevin Zegers as Evan. Lindy Booth as Francine. Julian Richings as Three Finger. Ted Clark as One Eye. Gary Robbins as Garry Robbins as Saw Tooth. The Sequels were directed by different producers such as: Joe Lynch (2), Declan O'Brein (3-4-5). Starring: Erica Leehrsen (One of my favourite actresses) as Nina. Henry Rollins as Dale. Texas Battle (One of my favourite Actors) as Jake. Aleksa Palladino as Mara. Daniella Alonso as Amber. Steve Braun as Jonesy. Matthew Currie Holmes as M. Crystal Lowe as Elena. Tom Frederic as Nate. Janet Montgomery as Alex. Gil Kolirin as Floyd. Christian Contreras as Willy. Jennifer Pudavick as Kenia. Tenika Davis as Sara. Kaitlyn Leeb as Bridget. Terra Vnesa as Jenna. Dean Armstrong as Daniel. Victor Zinck Jr. as Kyle. Doug Bradley as Maynard. Camilla Arfwedson as Angela. Simon Ginty as Billy. Roxanne McKee as Lita. Paul Luebke as Gus. Oliver Hoare as Julian. The Original is about Chris, on his way to a meeting for work stuck in a traffic jam. He decides to turn around and take a different route. While taking that different route he accidentley crashes into a group of stranger's car, as there tires were flat due to barbed wire. 4 of the people decide to look for some help, while the other 2 stay by the cars and get killed, by sadistic disfigured cannibals who have been in-breeding for generations long. Who are also after the other 4 people who left the cars. The sequel, was a big hit, even though it didn't make the big screen, many people liked it. The third installment was a step down from the other 2. Alot of people felt dissapointed as there were to many men who were all 1 dimensional assholes. But seen the circumstances, it's understandable, but alot of people still didn't like it. The Fourth Installment, wasn't liked either due to poor acting and stupid descisions made by the charachters. The Fifth installment, was liked a bit more than 3 and 4. This movie focused more on the Gore factor, more so then the other ones which were already gory. Overall they are good films, with a few flwas here and there. But the fanbase is still big, and alot of people still have hope in the Franchise.
Personal Review: I personally love all the movies they all have gore, which I personally like now and then. Alot of people say that there are to much Wrong Turns, but I would personally love to see some more Wrong Turn's. I loved the original, they had very good actors! The sequel, also had very good and famous actors in it, I personally liked it, but not as much as the original. The third installment, was a bit of a let down to me. There were just too much men!! The Fourth installment I personally loved alot, I loved the change of scenery... but I have to agree the acting in this movie has to probably be the weakest of all 5. But the plot was very cool, and I just loved the scenery it was amazing!! The Fifth installment, was also a very good one, the scene where one of the cannibals was playing with the girls insides. It had a few shocking and cruel deaths, that stepped up compared to the other ones. And I liked the scenery in this one to. I love all the wrong turns, and always will love them. Tomorrow I will be fully caught up with the dates, that I promise you guys. Thanks for visiting my page :-D.
Day 31: Halloween Franchise.

I am mixing up the Plot and Personal Revie wup this time, probably something I will do more in the future. But maybe not, still have to decidee, but thought I would try it out this one time. :-D Hope you like it.
The Plot/Personal Review: Halloween is a classic movie directed by John Carpenter. Starring big stars such as Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie. Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis. It also starred: Nancy Kyes as Annie. P.J. Soles as Lynda. Charles Cyphers as Sheriff Brackett. Kyle Richards as Lindsey. Brian Andrews as Tommy. Nancy Stephens as Marion. The sequels starred Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie 3 more times. Donald Pleasance as Dr. Loomis 4 more times. Nancy Stephens as Marion 2 more times. The sequels were all directed by different directors (Rick Rosenthal (2), Tommy Lee Wallace (3). Dwight H. Little (4), Dominique Othenin-Girard (5), Joe Chappelle (6), Steve Miner (7), Rick Rosenthall (8), And my favourite Director 'Rob Zombie' (R1, 2). The sequels starring: Lance Guest as Jimmy. Pamala Susan Shoop as Karen. Ana Alicia as Janet. Tom Atkins as Daniel. Stacey Nelkin as Ellie. Dan O'Herilhy as Cochran. Jonathan Terry as Starker. Danielle Harris (My top 5 favourite actresses) as Jamie. Ellie Cornell (One of my favourite actresses) as Rachel. Kathleen Kinmont as Kelly. Sasha Jenson as Brady. Wendy Foxworth as Tina. Tamara Glynn as Samantha. Matthew Walker as Spitz. Jeffrey Landman as Billy. Paul Rudd as Adult Tommy. Marianne Hagan as Kara. Kim Darby as Debra. Mariah 'O Brien as Beth. Susan Swift as Mary. J.C. Brandy as Adult Jamie. Davin Gardner as Danny. Adam Arkin as Will. Michelle Williams as Molly. Adam Hann-Byrd as Charlie. Jody Lynn O'Keefe as Sarah. LL Cool J as Ronny. Josh Hartnett as John. And believe it or not, Psycho classic Janet Leigh (one of my favourite actresses) as Norma. Bianca Kajlich as Sara. Sean Patrick Thomas as Rudy. Daisy McCrackin as Donna. Katee Sackhoff as Jen. Tyra Banks as Nora. The Remake + sequel starred: Maclom McDowell as Dr. Loomis (1,2). Brad Dourif as Sheriff Brackett. Tyler Mane as Michael Myers. Daeg Faerch as Young Michael Myers. Sheri Moon Zombie (Top 5 Favourite actresses) as Deborah. Hanna Hall as Judith. Kristina Klebe as Lynda. Scout Taylor Compton (One of my favourite actresses) as Laurie. Danielle Harris (Who was also in Halloween 4 and 5 as Jamie now plays Annie. + My Top 5 Favourite Actresses). Anglea Trimbir as Harley. Brea Grant as Mya. The plot is about a young boy (6 years old) killing his sister with a kitchen knife. 20 years later he escapes a mental asylum and makes his way back to Haddonfield to kill the last of his bloodline 'Laurie Strode'. The sequel shows more of Laurie on the same night of the original. The third installment had nothing to do with Michael Myers, so I wont go into it that much. Let's just say it's not as bad as everyone says, but it's also not the best. But it's better then Halloween Resurrection, thats for sure! The fourth insallment informs the fans that Laurie has been killed off. But that there is Jamie Llyod. The daughter of Laurie. Michael has been in a come for 10 years and then wakes up, and makes his way back to Haddonfield to kill the Last of his bloodline 'Jamie Lloyd'. The Fifth installment is again about Jamie. Very comparable to the fourth one.... besides that Jamie is a mute for some reason. But whatever on to the sixth one. The sixth one shows more backstory on the 'cult' Michael is in, and that Michael has a curse hanging over him until he kills his entire bloodline... or something like that. The story was messed up in this, and I personally don't really care about the story while watching this. I usually watch this for the kickass strobe effect. And awesome death scenes! H20, Forgets 3-4-5-6. And shows Laurie Strode 20 years from the second installment. She has a new identity, hoping to forget about Michael... until he returns. Resurrection on the other hand..... damn, so bad! It shows Michael killing Laurie in the opening scene, and then making his way back to his house in haddonfield..... where ofcourse a reality show episode is being filmed with the typical 21st century type cast. An introverted girl, who always survives. The slut, the attention hogger, the nerd, the pervert.... like it's just way to stupid and to top it off they have a lame ass ending. They should have ended it with H20. They got carried away, just to impress the younger audience.... yeah... thats how fucking desperate they were. To mess with a classic, just to satisfy brain dead, unwise little brats.... great! I don't like Resurrection at all. I respect the classics. And would choose those any day compared to the newer ones. But so in a way this is already my personal review. But now onto the remake. The remake, gave ALOT more insight on Michael's past. Some people say they should to much, some say they wanted more and some said it was perfect. i thought it was perfect. Just enough insight to get Michael and feel sympathy for him. The rest of the movie is pretty much just a remake of the original. The sequel to the remake. Alot of people hate it, but I love it. It's one of my favourite movies of all time. They showed the disturbed hallucianations that lead a psychopath to do crazy shit, which I personally respected.... and you got to see more Sheri Moon Zombie cause of it... :-D. And they show the psychological side to it, like the events of the first movie really fucked Laurie up. And shows Laurie slowly becoming psychotic because of a psycic link she has with her brother 'Michael Myers'. People often don't see this movie as it is. They always follow the herd, and say it's bad without giving it a fair chance. I watched it really for what it was, and forgot about all the negative reviews. And I loved it, it's one of my favourites and always will be. But I do have to say it's a very dark and depressing movie, that is pretty much only suited for the real horror fans. Overall I like all the movies alot beside Ressurection, or however you write it. So thanks for reading my reviews, and I will be back very soon with more horror/thriller/paranormal movies. :-D Stay tuned!
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